Reunion & War

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Above the clouds of Starfall things were still, it seemed as if everything was frozen and the clouds lazed around as they floated across the Sky heading for the horizon.


A voice echoed out, though it was quite a high-pitched scream this did not come from a woman it came from a man, one who was reaching into his 4th decade of life. Oberyn had been awed and terrified when he saw Shiera and even refused to mount her regardless of how safe Daeron said it was.

However, the mistake he made was in commenting that she might crash as she won't be able to hold both their weights and so for the few days they rode Shiera towards Starfall, at random times throughout the flight Shiera will dive and pretend to fall, which she found hilarious. Jon had to admit he got some amusement from it as well.

Shiera evens herself out during the dive just before they hit the clouds and Oberyn takes a breath "Daeron, please, as your uncle in law make sure the dragon doesn't do that again"

'He is such a baby, that was not even fast' Shiera commented.

"Oh, so we are family now? A few days ago you knocked me on my arse with a spear" Daeron replied with a smirk.

Oberyn still holding on tightly to Shiera's spines chuckled nervously "If a man who has a dragon wishes to reason with me then it's likely what he says is true"

"Considering what I have told you I would've thought that you'd be happier" Daeron stated.

"While I know what you've told me is most likely true... my heart will not allow me to believe it" he explained.

"I am more hopeful than I have ever been since the end of the Rebellion, my heart would shatter if we arrived only to find it all a lie" he continued.

Daeron smiled sadly at the man, he had lost his sister, niece, nephew and uncle and yet he stayed strong. He did not know how he could recover if he lost any of the girls but Rhaenys most of all, he had found his soulmate and if she died he would be lost.

Shiera dipped below the clouds and they finally got their first look at Starfall. Daeron frowned as he saw the various scorch marks in front of the castle 'It must've been Vhagar... but why?' He thought to himself.

He forced Shiera to go down faster, he wanted to find out what had happened, though it was still a little fast for Oberyn as he once again screamed.


Daeron and Oberyn dismounted Sheira and quickly rushed into the keep both hoping to discover what had happened, though also because they both wanted to see Rhaenys albeit for different reasons.

The guards instantly recognised Daeron by his unique appearance and let him through "It would seem a battle has taken place, I did not think war would come so quickly" Oberyn commented as they walked in step.

Daeron frowned "It would be impossible for them to move their army so quickly, someone must've turned traitor" he replied to Oberyn.

Oberyn shook his head in disgust "187 years Dorne resisted the dragons together and yet the stag can scare some into submission"

"I believe I know who the culprit might be, however, I didn't think he'd do something so stupid" Daeron comments but before Oberyn can ask who they are interrupted when Arianne walks around the corner and sees them. She smiles and runs to Daeron passionately kissing him on the lips, it goes on for a while, long enough that Oberyn even clears his throat.

"What not even a hug for your uncle?" Oberyn says with amusement.

Arianne detaches her lips from Daerons smirking before she hugs her uncle "Apologies uncle, but it has been too long since I've felt his lips on mine"

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