Daenerys Targaryen

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Daeron and the silver-haired girl walked through the lively streets of Pentos, savouring the rich tapestry of sounds, scents, and flavours that surrounded them. The girl, who had spent most of her life indoors, described the books she had read with vivid enthusiasm.

She spoke of the countless tomes that had been her companions, their pages filled with tales of adventure, romance, and intrigue. Her eyes sparkled as she recounted the epic battles, the mysterious quests, and the forbidden love affairs that had captured her imagination.

Between bites of exotic street food, she shared her favourite works. She painted vivid pictures of the distant lands and fantastical creatures that existed only within the pages of her books. Her words were like a portal, transporting Daeron to worlds he had never dreamed of.

In turn, Daeron shared some of his adventures as a warrior and traveller. He spoke of facing down fearsome foes beyond the Wall, the breathtaking beauty of the northern wilderness. The girl listened with rapt attention, her curiosity piqued by the tales of a life so different from her own.

Daeron couldn't explain why but he found himself telling her a lot about himself, to the point where he couldn't help but be surprised. His tales of wildlings and white walkers seemed fantastical to his own ears and yet the nameless girl believed every word of it.

"You truly have seen some incredible things, I truly wish I had the opportunity to experience such things" the silver-haired girl exclaimed wistfully as she walked in step with Daeron.

Daeron smiled "At times I myself wished I could be anywhere else, as amazing as some of these things are they are also terrifying and dangerous" he explained though it seemed that the girl was already lost in thoughts of adventure.

"Oftentimes life is difficult, but it is worth it as at the end you can look back on a life well lived" She replied as she looped her arm inside of his.

"Sage words from someone so young, you are wise beyond your years" Daeron said in slight awe of her words.

The silver-haired girl couldn't help but chuckle "I am sure the author of the quote would appreciate your words"

Daeron shook his head in amusement "Why not travel, judging by your gown you don't appear to lack the means" Daeron questioned.

The silver-haired girl looked at him with a sombre expression "Means perhaps, but the freedom to do so is another story" she replied.

Daeron couldn't help but frown, if he was honest with himself he wasn't sure why this even surprised him, this was a woman's lot in life often. He desperately wanted to help this girl and it bothered him that he did not know why, she was a stranger to him and often whenever he helped a stranger there would always be a consequence for it. Daeron sighed, he wished he could ignore how he felt now but he couldn't, if he sees someone in need then he should help them 'Sorry Arthur' he thought to himself before turning towards the girl.

Though before he could start talking the sounds of footsteps and armour clanking together echoed down the street "Princess, you have been requested to return to your benefactor manse, Khal Drogo has arrived at the city, and your brother and mother are waiting to... present you" The lead guard said, though the last words came out in a way that made Daeron recoil with disgust, he even had the audacity to lick his lips as he said it revealing a said of rotten teeth.

Daeron felt the arm looped around his go stiff but eventually, she slumped "I had an enjoyable day with you... you know I don't think I even asked you your name, how rude of me" she said with a small giggle.

Daeron looked at the guards with a frown on his face "Tell me the truth... do you want to go with these men?" He asked, though his eyes never left the men in front of him, his hand was comfortably rested on the hilt of his sword.

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