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(Location: The She Bear)
(Time: Evening)

As the She-Bear, a sturdy boat designed for navigating treacherous waters, sailed towards Bear Island, Daeron, Arya, and Sansa stood side by side, their eyes fixed on the approaching shores. The winds whispered through their hair, carrying with them a sense of anticipation and uncertainty.

Shiera flew in the clouds above them, she'd grown even more now, it seemed eating a dozen people did her some good, she's been bothering Daeron to ride her but he hasn't found the time to yet.

Daeron was a little upset and more than a little angry, when they arrived at Castle Black Arya and Sansa came running up to him both speaking at the same time in a panic, it seemed a letter at come to Castle Black and most likely all the other manned castles. It was a letter from Kings Landing stating that Daeron Sand, previously Jon Snow has kidnapped Lord Starks daughters as well as Myrcella Baratheon and is somewhere in the North with them.

It also gave out the description of all three of them, though they seemed to be lucky in that regard since Jon looked a lot different now then he did before, Sansa cut her hair so it now rested above her shoulders, Arya didn't have any distinguishing features when looked over so hopefully it would be enough for them to go unnoticed.

The wives of Crasters also littered the deck both above and below, Daeron hoped he could convince the warrior women of bear island to take them in, he had enough coin for them to buy their own house with some land, Daeron hoped it would be enough.

There was another thing that bothered Daeron, Coldhands neglected to tell him that he had been marked. At least that's what Nissa said to him in a dream. Adara, that's what he discovered her name was, she had followed him beyond the wall, something she wouldn't of been capable of before but due to her marking Daeron it allowed her to get past the spells woven into the wall.

It made Daeron feel uneasy but she hadn't caused much harm yet, she only appeared when he was alone and didn't cause any problems, he didn't engage in any intimacies with her fearing that it would decrease the time he had before he was a walking corpse. Though at least he had a plan regarding that.


Daeron found himself in the forest that he sometimes visited when Nissa wanted to speak with him, even after all this time he felt awed by the sheer beauty of the forest, though recently it hadn't looked as bright as it usually did and the strange amazing creatures that populated the area were far fewer than normal.

Daeron shook it off and made his way to the camp sight where the purple haired beauty was sat. He took a seat next to her and like always she leaned her head on his shoulder. For a while they would sit like this, it seemed to make Nissa feel better, she'd been alone for so long, she recognised Daeron wasn't her husband merely a reincarnation of him but it still felt nice being with him again.

"You're an idiot you know" She hums out as she rubs her head on his shoulder getting closer to him.

Daeron chuckles, he'd heard that a lot recently "I'm sure it will turn out okay" Daeron says with a smile.

Nissa huffs "I can't blame you for this, it was bound to happen"

Daeron looks confused at her words and Nissa sees it "your magic awakening would've happened eventually, though it would've been a lot easier on your body had you not lost your Targaryen magic" she says as she glares at him.

Daeron winces and gives a helpless smile at her glare "Now you must do something dangerous in order to stop your body from turning into a wight" Nissa says with a sigh.

"What must I do?" Daeron asks resolutely.

Nissa smiles at his determination "In Valyria, the Balaerys family was among the most powerful, they had the largest dragons and the most powerful sorcerers, the reason for that was they had discovered an old relic of the golden empire"

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