Wedding Present

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(Location: She-Bear)
(Time: Morning)

Daeron felt his eyes start to open as he awoke from his slumber, it had been hard sailing these past few weeks but today they should finally have made it to Old Town. Unfortunately, Daeron's lack of foresight meant that they didn't have enough coin to give the captain of the She-Bear to take them to Starfall. They had enough to take them to Old Town since that was the captain's next destination. They'd have to find a way to acquire some funds here or they'd be forced to walk and hunt as they went.

Daeron felt a weight on his chest as he awoke, rubbing his eyes and looking down he saw the pale ethereal body of Adara "Adara, stop sleeping in my bed" Daeron said with a sigh, she'd do this when they were alone which gladly wasn't very often.

Adara wakes up her eyes fluttering and she gives a small yawn then looks at Daeron "No..." she simply says before lying back down. Daeron pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. It seemed that the further along he was in his transformation into a wight the more he could understand her, at first she sounded like ice cracking and shifting, but sometimes he could make out her words.

Daeron couldn't stay in bed any longer so he got up lifting Adara as he did, sitting up in his cot he looked down at the pouting form of Adara, it does make him laugh a bit seeing such an ancient being with a face like that. Adara turns into a cold fog and disappeared through the bottom of the door.

"I need to stop meeting strange women," Daeron says to himself with a sigh as he starts to get dressed. He had his suspicions about Adara, Daeron thought she might have been another fragment of the Great Other. But if that's the case does it mean that some of the fragments aren't evil, Adara was indifferent to other life forms, her main goal was to search for a companion, and while she had triggered Daerons change into a wight it wasn't out of ill intent.

If the fragments each have their individuality then perhaps not all are evil, but it does bring up the question of where is the original fragment, there must be one with the original persona of the Great Other.

Daeron shook his head 'It's best not to dwell on things we don't know to can not control' he thinks to himself as he puts a white tunic on tucking it into his breeches.

Daeron emerges from his cabin and heads up to the main deck, he covers his eyes as the sun shines down on him. Once his eyes adjust he sees that Sansa and Arya have already gotten up and were looking out across the ocean, Daeron could see Old Town in the distance, it was a place Daeron always wanted to visit as even if he wasn't the most studious when he was younger in recent years he'd gotten an appreciation for knowledge.

Daeron wanted to see if there was any information on Sothoryos, he doubted there was but he wanted to know what he could, he knew he would have to return one day. He couldn't in good conscience allow the Bloodstone Emperor to plot and try to regain his freedom, though he planned to go alone, he didn't want to risk his friend's life for something that is his responsibility. Right now however he would focus on getting back to Rhaenys and making her his wife.

"Do you think we'll be able to get back before she gives birth?" Sansa asks as she looks at Daeron who had just walked up next to her.

"If we manage to get enough coin to pay for passage then we will, but if we have to travel by foot then I'm not sure" Daeron says with a frown.

"Ya know there be a tournament at Ol' Town in around a moon, if ya got the skills could always enter the melee" The Captain of the ship suggested as he heard our conversation.

"No Arya, you can't join the melee" Daeron says immediately shutting down her thoughts without even looking at her. He smiles when he hears her huff.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea for you to join? I can't imagine there being a swordsman there who could beat you" Sansa says encouragingly.

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