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[Jacob POV]
While Spade took Luca to the store, I picked up the old clothes and towels from the bathroom floor. I figured we'd dye it in here since it's more likely to come off tye rather than wood. I had just finished sweeping and wiping down the sink when the front door opened, Luca running back to find me.
"Jakey!" He giggled, hugging me.
"Hi, Baby," I replied, kissing his forhead.
"Red!" He exclaimed, slipping off his shoes and letting them sit outside the bathroom door. Spade followed, with less enthusiasm but still excited, after Luca and stepped into the bathroom.

"I can shake it while you brush out his hair if you want," I offered, picking up the box of dye from the sink.
"That works," He agreed, picking up Luca's brush.
"Sit in the sink for me," Spade mumbled, lifting the male and sitting him down where his feet were in the sink, his legs up to his chest, and his back to Spade. While he got him situated, I put on music. Mostly like 2010's 'party' music. If you know what niche I mean.
I opened the box and just grabbed the bottle of red dye and instructions since we weren't bleaching it. I shook it as Spade brushed Luca's hair out, starting at the ends and quickly working up to the roots. I've dyed Kaydens hair after he bleached it back when we were in college, so I mostly know what I'm doing.

After I cut the tip off the bottle, I remembered I should probably use the gloves included cause I work later this week, too. I split his hair in half horizontally and tied the bottom with a hair tie, then started with the roots. At one point, my phone started ringing from the living room. At this point, I'm moving onto the bottom and currently putting the newly-colored section up instead.
"Will you please go answer my phone? I don't exactly want red fingerprints all over it," I said, laughing a little. He playfully sighed and hurried to go get it, answering with a 'hello' as he brought me it.
"Oh shit, hang on," He suddenly said, handing it to me. I groaned a little as he put it up to my ear. I tilted my head to hold it there as I peeled off my left glove.
"Hello?" I asked, now holding my phone.
"Hey, Hun. This is Christie, Luca's Mom. You're Jacob, right?" She introduced herself. I made a weird face but told her yes. Spade took it upon himself to just finish dying Luca's hair, so that way the color wouldn't develop darker in some places.
"Is Luca there?" She asked.
"No, sorry, he's not here right now. Um, why?" I asked. I'm not telling her he's here just based on the sketchy shit she tried to get him to do last time she called.
"His phone was just off, so I wanted to call and see if he would be able to come visit me. Cause I have to give him something I found in his room," She explained. But it gave me a weird feeling.
"Oh okay, I'll tell him to call you when he gets home," I said, not at all planning to do that.

"Was that my momma?" Luca asked, turning to see me. I nodded, and he just kinda sighed, turning so Spade could get a peice if hair he missed.
"You're all done. We just let that sit for... 30 minutes?" Spade said, turning to me as to double-check.
"It says anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour, so I'll just let it sit for an hour," I determined.
"Help..." Luca whined, looking back at me. I'm sure he means he needs help down from the sink and can't do it cause he's facing backward. I lifted him partially and put him back on his feet, making him smile.
" 'ank you!" He slurred, stimming.
"How 'bout we watch a movie while it processes?" I suggested, following Spade to the living room. It's an understatement to say Luca was in agreement.

"Sippy?" He asked, his cute face looking up at me. I had put on The Great Mouse Detective probably 20 minutes ago at this point and when I first decided to put a movie on, I rinsed out his orange juice and put an ensure in it instead. I dont think he ate while J was working, and I'd much rather him have some sort of calories than nothing. I picked it up off the coffee table and handed it to him, only very minorly annoyed he didn't wanna sit up to get it. He had been lying with his head off the couch and his legs up against the wall; I guess he was too focused on the movie to look away, even if it was just to grab his cup himself. He only sat up to take it from me. Any annoyance that I felt dissipated when he climbed on my lap, still facing the movie, and rested his back against me. He looked up at me and grinned big, telling me a whole lot of 'I lovies you's.
Periodically, he'd take a break from his sippy cup and end up chewing on my shoulder instead. I just let it be and watched the movie I put on about mice as detectives. When I scooted farther back on the couch, he whined that now my lap was uncomfy. Even though the only reason I moved was cause I was sitting on the edge of the couch still from where I grabbed his sippy.

"Hold you," He whined to Spade, not waiting for an answer until he climbed into his lap. When I noticed the black haired male I invited over being used as a human teether by my boyfriend, I couldn't help but comment on it.
"You like the perks of your new job?" I asked, resting against the back of the couch.
"Totally. Especially when he bites the same exact spot over and over until it hurts," He replied, not mad but just kidding. Luca was completely oblivious to the fact that we were talking about him. He stared at the screen as if there wasn't a single thought in his head. To be fair, there might not have been.

"Mouse!" He exclaimed, suddenly captivated by the animated film.
"Mhm. That one's just a little girl mouse," I explained, yawning.
"Where her Dady?" He asked, leaning his head on me while still in Spades lap.
"He's missing right now," Spade answered as I noticed Luca abandoned his cup.
"Can you drink it all for me? I know you're such a good boy. You can do it," I encouraged him. It actually worked great. He downed the rest of it and made sure to show me it was all done.
"All empty..." He mumbled, biting onto the handle part of the sippy cup.
"Don't bite that," I warned him. He frowned and stopped, moving back to biting my Spade's shoulder/collar bone area. He's very minorly bruising Spade when he does this, probably because it's almost like a hickey. But very toned down.
"Cutie, youre getting red dye all over my arm," Spade mentioned.
"Bite..." He pouted, not pulling his mouth away.

"Go bite your, Dady. What else is he there for?" He mumbled, handing my baby over.
"My one purpose in life," I agreed, chuckling.
"Do you need everyone to know I'm spoken for?" I teased him, getting a little nod. We wear sleeves that end at your elbow, so when he teeths on my forearm, the marks are very visible.
"Her dady!" He shouted, glancing up to see the little girl's newly-found father. He had been kidnapped by the bad guys' sidekick (who was a bat) to make a look alike of the queen. For what? I don't fucking know. But now her dad's found at least.
"We should probably wash your hair out now, Bubba," I said, getting both Spade and Luca's attention.
"Bath?" He asked, quickly following Spade to the bathroom.

Despite Luca's adamancy about a bath, we convinced him to just wash out his hair first. But we had to let him sit in the bathtub while doing it. The way we had to do it was he sat in the bathtub with his legs 'criss-cross applesauce' with me and Spade on the tile floor next to him, using a cup to wash the dye out of his hair. He was happy with it like this, and this way, it wouldn't stain him red, so we went along with it. The whole time, he had to entertain himself, and he did that entirely by babbling at us. I say at us because I wasn't responding, and Spade didn't understand what he was going on about. In 10-ish minutes, the water started running clear. Which was also the same time Luca started acting sleepy.
"Spade!" He whined, reaching for him and standing up.
"Let me save you from Jakey. He's icky," Spade said, pulling him into his lap.
"Damn, you're just dragging my name through the mud," I said, laughing a little.

"Sleepy..." He whined, playing with his own fingers.
"I gotta go home, but can Jakey put you to bed?" Spade asked, getting a pouty 'ya'. He handed me Luca, and I walked him to the front door, giving him a hug.
"I'll see you later. Send me a picture of his hair when it's dry," He said, hugging me back.
"Bye, Lukey," He added on before heading out, shutting the door behind him. I locked the door and sighed, shutting off the light. I kissed his head as I carried him to the bedroom and let him blurry himself under the covers while I undressed from my jeans and uniform.

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