Meeting Emma

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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Emma is out with her sister, Isabel, heading to the beach and when they get there, they are greeted by a golden retriever, the owner being Y/n and her not far behind her dog, Y/n and Emma talk causing both girls to quickly fall for one another.



Emma's POV:

Right now, I'm driving me and my younger sister, Isabel, to the beach as we decided to go just for fun and see if anyone's there. Plus, it has a nice long walk and I wanna update her on the Last of Us and what bit I'm at.

I've been itching to play the game and I can't help but want to constantly play it.

"We're here!" Isabel exclaims, excitedly. Sitting up and adjusting in her seat. I glance over at her before focusing on the road and driving around to find a parking spot, seeing one right next toward the steps we need to take to go down to the beach. I park in the spot, taking my key out of the ignition and beginning to get out.

"I haven't been to the beach in ages." I express to her, meeting her at the back of the car. I lock my car and we head down the stairs.

"Same! I haven't been in ages."

"Probably because it's kinda cold out. I mean, it is January." I reason with her, hearing her laugh as she hums softly.

"Yeah, that—that makes sense." Isabel replies through a soft laugh, we make it down the stairs and begin to walk along the long path, multiple entries to going on the beach being spread out. About a five minute walk to the first entry and I see that barely anyone is around. "So... How did the audition go for that secret project?" She asks me, curiously and smiling.

"Hm..." I think for a moment, "It went well, really well."

"Now, can you tell me what it's for or do I have to guess?" She asks me, glancing over at me and tucking her hands into her pockets.


"Ugh, can I get a hint? So, I at least know where to start?" Isabel asks, I think for a moment, debating if I should be nice.

"Hm... It's a popular book." I confess, noticing her eyes fall to the ground, her eyes searching impatiently.

"Hm, there's a lot."

"I know."

"I think that makes it more difficult." Isabel confesses, making me laugh softly. She glances behind us before facing ahead, humming. "Oh, no one's here."

"It's like a creepy ghost town."

"Right? It's so scary. I feel like I'm gonna get kidnapped here or something." Isabel expresses to me, we head over to the first entry to the beach and thank god the sand isn't deep and is firm.

We won't get any sand in our shoes, yay!

We head toward the tide and stop, Isabel taking a few candid photos of me before I pose for one, her smiling.

"You look great!" She compliments me, making me smile widely.

"Thank you." I thank her, sincerely. Seeing a husky coming toward me, howling and circling around me, wagging it's tail. "Hey, buddy." I greet him, giving him rubs, his tongue sticking out excitedly. Howling again.

"Pluto." I hear a sexy voice call, the husky rolls around in the sand before heading over to Isabel and panting, Isabel giving him rubs. "Pluto, what did we say about running off?" I hear the voice again, looking toward where I heard it and see a beautiful girl, jogging over. She whistles and Pluto rushes straight over to her. She kneels down and gives him rubs. "You're gonna give me a heart attack and it's gonna be your fault." A howl in reply. "Hey, don't be mean. You... scared me. Not the other way around." She counters, smiling as Pluto begins to cuddle into her.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now