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A/N: CC x Reader

Summary: CC and Y/n are always arguing and debating before they get partnered on a project together and progressively realise that they are more alike than they realise.




I walk into my English class and already see the idiotic person that I have to sit beside is already there, her arms on her table and her head tightly into her arms as she shakes her head and groans softly.

"And here you will see the Y/n L/n exhibit, who won the Guinness world record for being the laziest person in the world." I comment, noticing her lift her head and immediately I jump back a little bit. "Jesus, what's wrong with your face?"

"Well, what can I say? I saw you coming from a mile away and immediately thought to protect myself but my god, it must not have worked now that you gave me a bruise just from looking at you." She rebuttals, sarcastically and then plasters on a toxic smile that I want to slap off of her.

"Ah, hello Miss Walker, how are we today?" Mr Mason asks me, a smile plastering on his face as he lowers his head for a moment. I smile in return as I move around Y/n and sit beside her.

"I'm okay, sir. How are you?" I ask him, curiously, he shrugs lightly.

"I'm okay, I'm all right. How're you, Miss L/n?"

"Spectacular, sir." She replies, staring at me with a wide smile yet I move her head over toward Mr Mason who laughs quietly and shakes his head. I rest my bag on my lap and begin to pull out my textbook and my notepad, grabbing a pen and zipping my bag shut then shoving it down onto the floor while I notice Y/n has a piece of paper and a pencil that she most likely took from Mr Mason. "Sir, can I have a spare textbook? I forgot mines."

"I know, you left it here. It's up at the back, Miss." Mr Mason informs her, she nods and gets up, her significantly taller than ever and it's not because of her shoes. I glare at her.

"What?" She asks when walking back and setting the textbook down.

"Nothing, just since when were you big foot?" I ask, smiling sweetly and seeing her face immediately drop.

"Jesus christ." She mutters, drooping her head to the side as she then sits herself down and doesn't even answer my question. I roll my eyes, while I watch more people come in and start to settle down, a few people greeting Mr Mason while everyone else continues to talk to their friends or don't bother to greet him.

This lesson better be fun.


"All right, so, we're introducing a new project that you will do in pairs." Mr Mason announces as he moves over toward his chair and changes the powerpoint to the powerpoint about the project. I hear her sigh softly as she begins to press her pencil into the side of her skin, picking at it. I watch in disinterest. I whack her hand away and notice her pencil fall on the floor. She sighs, glaring at me and picking it up.

"Sorry that I don't want skin peels everywhere." I comment, quietly, noticing her shove me into the wall, causing her to snicker and immediately cover her mouth as she smiles and holds in her laugh. I roll my eyes as I cower more toward the wall and attempt to rub my shoulder as it actually really hurt, I just didn't want her to know that.

"...this will make up for 25 percent of your grade so make it good. You will be choosing two different authors and picking a book, you are going to write a dissertation on their most popular books as well as how both authors differentiate with their writing and their stories. How do they pull you in? How are their writing styles? Et cetera, et cetera." Mr Mason explains, gaining my attention as I glare at Y/n and continue to rub my shoulder in pain. "Now, here comes the worst part." He begins, an audible groan from the entire class bouncing off of the walls and a soft laugh falling from his lips. "Love the enthusiasm. I will be picking your partners due to letting you pick in the past and the unsuccessfulness that it brought. This is important, so I'd like for you all to take it seriously."

Emma x Reader One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora