A Connection

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A/N: Emma x Reader

INSPO: my Jenna book: One-shot "Friendship? Relationship."

Summary: Y/n moves into town with her mum and when Y/n's mum bumps into Emma's mum, they arrange a meeting where they hang out. During this, Y/n is at a bookshop, buying books and bumps into Emma. Thinking it would only be once only to find out that their parents are newly friends.



Y/M/N's POV:

I pick up a frozen pizza and move it into the cart, glancing to see my daughter, Y/n, walk toward me, holding a carton of milk. Headphones around her neck.

"Here we are." She mutters, seeing me and doing that odd walk / jog run towards me. "I... I got the milk." She says, before snickering. "Did it better than Dad—"


"All right, sorry." She apologises, quickly. She sets the milk down into the cart and continues to fiddle with a band. I won't lie, when the doctors diagnosed Y/n with ADHD and signs of high functioning autism, I wasn't surprised. She had been showing signs ever since she was little and I sympathise as she's only ever had me. Never really had a friend and her "friends" weren't exactly friendly with her. "We need... the... the thingy majigy, uh, what is it called—?" She asks herself, resting her hand on her temple, itching while I wait patiently for her. "Pizza— oh you've got pizza. All right, lemme tick that off." She says more to herself than to me, ticking it off of the list and smiling beautifully.

"Why don't you go to the bookshop while I finish up love?" I ask her, seeing her eyes light up and look over at me.


"Yeah. Go on. I got this."

"Thanks, Mum." She thanks me, smiling and handing me the list and a pen. I take it and watch her put her headphones on and leave the store, going next door to the book shop. I set the pen and the list in the cart and move onto the next aisle. Accidentally crashing into another cart.

"Oh—! Sorry! I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry! My stupid cart was in the way— here, let me move it." The other mother says, moving the cart so impossibly close to her as she could. She turns back around to look at me and begins to smile, her shoulders falling. "I don't believe we've met...?"

"No, uh, I'm new to town." I answer in reply, moving my hand out and offering it. "My name is Y/m/n L/n." I introduce myself, smiling at her.

"Ah, nice to meet you. I'm Nicole Myers." She introduces herself, taking my hand in hers and shaking it. Both of us retracting our hands and resting them back onto the handle. "How're you finding the new town?"

"A little stressful but it seems very lovely." I confess, nodding my head and keeping the plastered smile on my face.

"Ah, well, I'd love to get to know you more. Is it all right if we exchange numbers?" She asks me, I immediately begin to have a real smile on my face as I feel my eyes light up. I nod my head.

"Yeah. Yes, please. Uh, here." I grab my phone and unlock it, going onto my contacts and adding a new number. I type in her name and move to the number, handing it to her. Nicole types in her number, making sure it's right and hums as she puts her phone away and hands it to me.

"There we are. Anyway, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yeah, uh, can you show me where the..." I glance at the list then back at her, "hairbrushes are? I can't seem to find them anywhere."

Emma x Reader One-ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum