Work Crush 2

744 32 58

A/N: Emma x Reader





Y/n's POV:

I arrive at work, adjusting my tie and fixing it to make it look nicer. I lift my head, approaching the jacket rack and take my jacket off, hanging it up on the rack and look over at the reception desk to see Emma, typing away on her computer and I notice her glance toward Michael's office and change it to solitaire. I smile.

I gasp, noticing her jump and look at me panicking before relaxing and beginning to giggle, covering her mouth before she removes her hands from her mouth.

"You—You scared the crap out of me." Emma confesses, moving her chair over toward me and hitting my arm, I laugh, covering my mouth and moving around to stand in front of the computer on the other side of the desk.

"Unlucky." I reply, singing it quietly only for her to roll her eyes and continue to laugh. "I'm glad you got home safe, someone was out of their mind."

"Oh shut up. I wasn't." Emma denies, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. "I'm sorry about my mom though."

"It's all good." I reply, shrugging lightly and resting my forearms on the counter, smiling my best at her and notice her return the smile. "You know what? It was actually really fun." I confess to her, noticing her smile at me as her eyebrows raise in suspicion.

"No..." She longs out, I nod my head, clicking my tongue slightly.

"She's fun." I confess, hearing a soft gasp fall from Emma's lips which make me laugh. "Come on, Myers, it's not that shocking—"

"—It's so shocking!" Emma replies, making me laugh. "Just wait till I tell her, she's gonna think that you're the best."

"Aren't I always?" I counter, her oohing as I step away from her desk and walk over to mines, sitting down and logging into my laptop, noticing there are piles of papers on my desk. I look through everything, slightly confused but decide to do the job that Michael should be doing.


I'm watching Bella beginning to create a barrier between our desks with pencils, I'm watching in absolute amazement and look over at the camera, trying my hardest not to laugh.


"I think Bella's finally realising that I don't wanna have to deal with her, it's really sweet." I confess to the camera, nodding my head with a light smile. "Because now of the barrier, she's shunned me from that entire side of the office, meaning...! That she can come over onto my side and there's nothing interesting on her side of the office. It's literally just more people with the same shitty desks and a couple of windows while my side has... Emma. Michael, Bella's Jesus, uhm..." I continue to explain to the camera, listing it on my fingers and chuckling softly, not being able to contain myself. "I'm sorry, this is just so funny."


I watch Bella get up and begin to take a step out of her area.

"AH!" I exclaim, gaining her attention which causes her to step back. "What're you doing?" I ask her, pretending to be shocked. She stares at me in confusion.

"What're you doing?" Bella asks me, staring at me and keeping her hands by her side, standing robotically.

"You're moving onto my side. You see that barrier you created? Can't pass it."

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now