Her Secret 2

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A/N: CC x Reader






It's the dreaded time of the year that no one wants to have to participate in when it comes to the finals. I hate it, I hate finals and I hate having to do them. I really do, they suck so much, I don't know why they're a thing! They shouldn't ever be a thing. I hear my bedroom door open and I see my beautiful Y/n, holding a bag.

"Hey, love, I got you study snacks." She informs me, excitedly, walking over toward my desk where I am and kisses my head, me sinking into the kiss and looking at her as she sets it gently down on the desk, no where near any of my revision notes. She begins to unpack everything, handing me two Gatorade's, 3 of my favourite snack bars and two low sugar sweets.

"That's so sweet!" I express to her, linking our hands and she leans down and kisses me, stroking my cheekbone while I kiss her back, melting into her lips and hand. She pulls away, tapping my notebook.

"Now revise." She orders me to do, walking away from me and lying down on my bed, getting out her things and beginning to do her own revision yet far away from me that makes me feel somewhat upset, yearning to be closer to her more than usual. Probably due to how separate we've been recently due to the constant revision of Finals and both of us wanting to do well.

"Love?" I call on her, her humming as she underlines something and writes something on the side, annotating a poem for practice. "Love." I call on her again, her finally getting the hint that I want her attention and looking up from the poem, meeting my eyes and a small smile begins to tug on her lips as she continues to look at me.


"Come closer, you're too far away." I complain, hearing her laugh and grab a chair and move it over toward my desk, setting it down on the desk while I create space for her work; I glance over at her to see if it is enough room, moving my chair more to the left and she moves her chair closer to mines. Once she's comfortable, I rest my head on her shoulder while she continues to write before she sets her pen down and kisses the crown of my head.

I feel so comfortable around her.


I notice Y/n is in the canteen at the end of the day, she's scrolling on her phone and doesn't look up. I glance around, noticing that barely anyone was around so I walk over toward her and sit across from her.

"Hi." I greet her, I notice her lift her head and immediately sigh softly, putting her phone away.

"Finally, someone sane." Y/n comments, making me laugh softly as I move around and sit beside her, resting my hand on her back.

"You wanna come over to mines?"

"Oh, and do what? Make out like we always do, yeah?" She asks, resting her back against the wall that was pretty much right behind the seat, making me laugh as I nod my head.

"Duh." I reply, hearing her laugh softly and take a quick glance around before kissing me. I immediately blush, kissing her back and resting my hand on her neck, tugging her closer into the kiss, me melting completely against her. I feel her pull away and immediately want to pout. "More." I say through a soft whine, I hear a soft laugh, rubbing my back and resting her forehead against mines.

"When we're in your bedroom then yes." She replies, her voice more quieter and softer but raspier.

"Can I ask you something?"

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