Small Town, Small Talk 2

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A/N: Emma x Reader

someone wanted a part two so... uh... hi! we're here, and we're back in this idealistic town.




Emma's POV:

I arrive home after spending the day with Y/n, her lips felt amazing against mines and the butterflies that I felt when we kissed was honestly... so different and so much more... there. I've kissed a guy before and he was... well he was certainly kissing me. A little too eager, I guess but when Y/n kissed me. I could feel her need for me. I could feel her wanting me the more we kissed and that's what I think made my stomach flip and multiply repeatedly.

"Hey." Mom greets me as I pass her in the kitchen, I stop.

"Hi. How was your day?" I ask her, walking over toward the fridge, opening it and grabbing a bottle of water.

"Well it was fine till I got stood-up by my own daughter." She replies, I immediately feel my shoulders fall remembering that I was supposed to go shopping with Mom. Shit.

"I... I'm sorry." I apologise, turning to her and seeing her cross her arms as she adjusts her stance.

"I thought that we were good, did I do something?"


"Then what? Were you busy? Did something come up?"

"No— Well, kinda, I—I don't know."

"Then what? What happened that caused you to be so distracted to not even text me?" Mom continues to push, I sigh, resting my hand over my forehead and walk over toward the chair, sitting down and sighing softly.

"I was with Y/n." I announce, staring at the table. I don't bother to look up as I can already tell that she'll scold me. I glance up only to see her blankly staring at me.

"Oh." She lets out, delicately. I nod, leaning back in my chair as I watch her approach me and sit beside me. She clears her throat, opens my bottle of water and takes a sip.

"That—That was mine." I quietly mutter, watching her begin to down almost all of it. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest as I wait for her to be done, hearing her swallow her water loudly. Once she's done and set the bottle down, putting the lid back on, I notice her go to speak before she hesitates.

"D...Do... Hm." She mutters, I exhale softly, waiting for her to be done and ready to move on.

"Mom, come on."

"I'm shocked! You've never ditched me for... for someone like her."

"'Someone like her'?" I repeat, she nods, humming. "Care to explain what 'someone like her' means?" I ask of her, crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows, noticing her scoff as she looks somewhere imperceptibly.

"You know, like... like a sort've... bad influence. You've always been the smart one, picked the right people."

"I pick good people."

"You do, but with Y/n? Seriously?" She asks me, I move the water bottle more toward her and sigh, standing up and walking away. "Oh, Em, come on..."

"No, I don't wanna talk anymore."

"Don't be mad—"

"—I'm not mad." I deny, opening my bedroom door and walking in, shutting the door behind me. I grab my headphones, putting them on, grab the book I'm reading at the moment and listen to music while reading. Trying to get Mom out of my mind and distract myself with reading. Reading always comforts me.

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