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[Luca POV]

Jacob's making me go back to Justin. Well, really, Meadows got me set back up with him. So Jacob's taking me and won't let me skip it.
"I don't wanna go in," I mumbled, but he didn't try to tell me I'd be okay.
"Just go! They said you had to, so go see him," He exclaimed. 'They' being Meadows. It upset me, and I don't know why. So when I got out, I shut the door kinda hard.
"What happened with Kayden?" Justin asked. We're not friends, so why is he acting like we are. I just shrugged.
"Says he hurt you pretty bad -" He suggested, reading off some notepad.
"I don't wanna talk about him!" I loudly said, angry. I don't know why. I'm not even the type to normally ever get mad.
I think it's my fault anyway that it even happened, and talking about it makes me feel guilty. But he pushed to.
"We have to talk about it if you ever want to get over it," He said, not helping my mood. I didn't talk for the rest of the session. But he put me on 2 new meds.
"I'm sending a prescription to the pharnacy," He said as I left his office.
"How did it go?" Jacob asked as I got in the truck. He finally bought it from his uncle or whoever and was just needing to give the other car back to Mason. Meaning he was gonna call him to come get it.

"Don't want it..." I whined as Jacob was handed my prescription from the pharmacist. The way this CVS was set up, if you just needed your prescription, you could pick it up from a 'drive-through' thing.
"Justin wants you to at least try it out. Just give it a chance, okay?" He compromised, taking the car out of park. I pouted the entire way home, though.
"Nooo!" I whined, kicking my legs against the cabinets. I'm sitting up on the kitchen counter, seriously protesting me taking them.
"Luca, you have to. I can't just let you skip them when Justin needs you to at least try," He explained, shutting the cap again to the bottle.
"Baby..." He sighed, his face softening. "What's wrong? You're only bratty when something's bugging you,"

I shrugged a little but couldn't help the tears forming.
"I-I jus feel lonely," I mumbled, sniffling. I don't even know why I'm so lonely. Dsdy cuddles me all the time. I automatically started to pick at the glue on my arm.
"Don't pick," He redirected me.
"Do you wanna hang out with your friends? Auggie would love to have a play date," He suggested.
"I don know..." I whispered.
"Do you wanna do something on my day off with them?" He asked, making me nod a little. That sounds better to me than just a play date.
"Do you wanna go see fishies?" Dady asked, tilting my head up at him.
"Fishy?!" I excitedly asked, swinging my leggies.
"Mhm. And little baby sharks that love to bite just like you do," He said. I giggled and stimmed a bit. I quickly took my medicine that Dady held out to me.
"My good boy. Such a good little baby," He praised me.

[Jacob POV]

That night, I reached out to Jess and texted her the idea where we planned the whole thing. We were supposed to do it in 2 weeks when I had a weekday off that aligned with her schedule, too. On the morning of, Luca couldn't help being really hyper.
"Fishy!" He borderline screamed, waiting for me to unlock the car. I bought the truck from my uncle, but we're picking up Auggie and Jess, so I convinced Mason to let me borrow it for today. Luca sat in the back seat so he didn't have to move when we picked them up since he wanted to sit next to Auggie. I made him put a backpack next to him with coloring books, markers/colored pencils, headphones, snacks, and stickers. He had an insane amount of stickers. Cars, shapes, affirmations, land animals, baby show characters, and obviously fishies. He also had his new stuffie, he Luca insisted on carrying him cause then Oliver would be more comfy that way.

I played music that was appropriate for kids but wasn't children's music, if that makes sense. It was a lot of Taylor swift or boy bands. Mostly because I can deal with hearing their music, whereas I can't with anything remade specifically to be for kids. I drove to the couple's house, texted Jess, and unlocked the doors again when they needed to get in. This car has child locks on it, so whenever you drive, it locks the back doors.
"Auggie!" Luca shouted as he climbed in. While Jess and I made conversation about various things while the two in the backseat bonded over whatever they figured was relevant.

[Luca POV]

When Auggie finally got in the car, I just wanted to play with him. So, eventually, I had to tell him 'bout my stickers.
"Lookie!" I exclaimed, pulling them from the backpack Dady made me bring. I took out all of the sheets of stickers and let him look at them.
"I share with you," I said as he flipped through.
"Really?" He asked, smiling and looking over at me. We spent the last 10-ish minutes of the drive there, covering each other in stickers. He put most mine on my face while I carefully placed each of them mostly on his chest.
"What we doin..?" I softly asked as Dady pulled into a different parking lot than where the fishies live.
"You gotta eat before be get there," He quickly explained, opening his door. I pouted a little but got out with everyone else, kissing Oliver's face before I left him in the car.
"You're covered in stickers. You know that, right?" Dady asked, holding open the door for me. I nodded a little and held into his fingers after he walked in behind me. Everything was ordered at the same time. I didn't pay attention to any of it cause I was studying the tattoo on Dady's arm. I knew he had one cause I colored it in at some point, but I was just fascinated after seeing it again. I think I'd want one if they didn't hurt. And I know they do.

"Go sit down with Jess and August," He told me, pulling his hand away. I wanna be good for him, so I listened and followed them both to a table. I sat across from Auggie and swung my leggies a little. I'm super bored, and I got nothing else to do, so I resorted to occupying myself. Which, eventually, led to me spacing out and kicking harder.
"Owie," Auggie whined, bringing me back. He scooted back against his chair, and I didn't know how to show I was really sorry, and it wasn't on purpose.
" 'm sorry!" I quickly tried to apologize. Of course, when it happened was when Dady was walking back with everything, so he only saw Auggie get hurt.
"Luca!" He scolded me, making me shrink back into my seat.
"There's no mark. It'll be okay," Jess reassured us. She said it while looking at Auggie, but she meant it for me, too. Dady sighed and set my drink in front of me, doing the same for everyone and their food. I felt bad I kicked Auggie even though I wasn't tryin' to, so I wasn't thrilled about eating.
"Luca," Dady warningly told me, catching my attention. I guess I didn't touch it for too long.

I reluctantly ate it. Not because it was gross or I wasn't great full, but because I felt guilty. Maybe I wanted to make myself have a punishment for hurting August a little bit ago. I couldn't eat all of it, but nobody commented on that.
" 'm really sorry..." I quietly apologized again once we got in the car and music was playing.
"Momma normally kisses my owies better, but she forgot to this time. That's probably why it hurt," He reasoned. Was it good reasoning? No. But to me and him, it made sense.
"My momma doesn't like me no more. Does your mommy like you?" I asked randomly. "Not like Jess,"
"Mhm. She always send me mail from Florida," He said, making me nod.
"Why don't she like you?" He asked.
"I don know. She never did, but I keep thinking bout it," I answered honestly.
"Bout what? You gotta tell me now," He said.
"She just hit me a couple of weeks ago, and I had an owie. It really hurt, and it bled a whole lot." I explained. I don't know what sparked the conversation, but when we were at the fishies home, Auggie didn't keep it a secret.
"Hold..." I asked after Dady parked the car and was leading us inside.
"I'm not holdin' you," He said as he paid for mine and his admission fees.

I pouted and just let him, trying not to be bratty. I went to hold onto Auggie's hand instead, but he was busy with his mommy. He was telling her something, but I didn't pay any attention to it. Dady gave me a wristband that matched his, but he still didn't wanna hold my hand. It really hurt. I tried to convince myself he didn't hate me, but... I can feel him distancing himself. I didn't pay attention to the fishies. I couldn't take my mind off how Dady was acting.

"Look! They're sharkies," Auggie told me after a little while I walking. They were talking and having fun but I hadn't been listening really. I nodded a little, which made him notice I was sad.
"You okay?" He asked, taking a hold of my hand. I half-heartedly nodded, starting to pick at my arm. The glue is supposed to come off naturally on its own, but it feels like it's been forever. So, sometimes, I can't help but pick at it.
"Don't do that," Dady reminded me before actually looking at my face.
"What's wrong..?" He softly asked.
"Hold..." I whispered, grabbing onto his fingers. It makes me feel smaller than just his hand. I really just want his attention..

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