Chapter 6

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"Brother Xu, I found you on the x sound!" Xie An had just completed a task. When he turned on his phone, he found that Lu Xu appeared in the hot recommendations, and immediately called Lu Xu.


"Wait a minute, I'll send you the video." Xie An clicked on the contact to find Lu Xu, and then sent the downloaded video to him.


Lu Xu knew that the girl filmed him with her mobile phone, but he didn't expect that it would become so popular after posting it online.

Seeing the comment below about Yishui wanting to have an intimate relationship with him, Lu Xu curled his lips - why are you so anxious to see him, isn't it good to live?

Xie An over there was still in shock: "I really didn't expect that someone in our line of work could be so popular. By the way, Brother Xu, have you thought about why you approached Ji Xiunian quietly?"

"Well." Lu Xu just came out of Dongcheng TV Station, declined Bai Ze's lift, and slowly walked home, "The organization helped me contact Yaobao Entertainment. I will participate in the same event as a trainee with Ji Xiunian. program..."

"Trainer?!" Xie An suddenly raised his voice, attracting the attention of people on the bus. Today's temperature is close to 30 degrees Celsius, and Xie An still wears a suit and leather shoes as usual. Others still feel hot wearing short-sleeved shorts, so Xie An stands out in the crowd. Seeing him talking on the phone, many people subconsciously wanted to hear what this weirdo was talking about.

Aware of the gazes of the people around him, Xie An realized that his voice was a bit loud just now, so he quickly lowered his voice and said, "My brother Tianxu, are you going to change your career to become a star?"

"Of course not." Lu Xu had no interest in becoming a star and said calmly, "We will withdraw as soon as we get the heads."

"Hmm, if we can solve this difficult problem, our district's performance will be number one again." The Death Department is composed of multiple districts, and there will be performance appraisals and service evaluations every year. Xie An considers himself very lucky, being in the same department as Lu Xu, so he ranks first every year.

It's just that the Death Squadrons in other districts have expanded their team lineups this year, and their performance can be seen catching up with the naked eye.

As an enterprising god of death, Xie An certainly hopes to maintain his ranking.

He wanted to elaborate a few more words, but a new order suddenly popped up on the [Death Home] app - [A new customer is about to ascend to heaven, 1.8 kilometers away from you. 】

Xie An had a hand problem, so he quickly clicked on the order, and then said to Lu Xu: "Brother Xu, I have a new order. Let's meet at the service station tonight!" After the bus opened, Xie An immediately held an umbrella and walked out.

"It's such a hot day, dressed like this. Is there something wrong with that person?" A young couple near the door watched Xie An get off the car and couldn't help but muttered.

"Didn't you hear him say it's business or something? It's probably insurance or something. I know a lot of salespeople who are like this. They are nervous all day long..."

While the two were discussing, the bus suddenly stopped.

Seeing the long queue ahead of them, the passengers in the car couldn't help but complain: "Is this another traffic jam?"

At that moment, someone said: "It seems that there was a car accident at the intersection ahead..."


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