Chapter 39

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There was lightning and thunder over the apartment, and the wind was howling. It was obvious that a violent storm was brewing.

Five people and four ghosts gathered together on the corridor. At first glance, it looked like they were performing some strange ritual.

Lai Chengshan, who was sitting on the ground, was mumbling something. Coupled with the sound of thunder outside the window, he seemed to have some real ability.

f4 originally thought so too, and even considered whether to ask Lu Xu for help, fearing that this man could really exorcise ghosts. However, listening to him reciting it made me sleepy, and my body didn't react at all. I think it was no different from those false heavenly masters who deceived the world and stole their reputation.

Ji Xiunian thought that he had naturally seen the reaction at point f4, and he couldn't help but become more suspicious of Lai Chengshan.

He wanted to ask him a few questions, but Lai Chengshan was still there carrying out his own ghost exorcism ritual. Uncertain whether he was a liar or not, Ji Xiunian had no choice but to endure it, thinking of waiting until he had done this before speaking.

It was the first time for Fan Zeng and his assistant to see such a scene, and they were dubious about Fan Zeng. Just with the atmosphere and Lai Chengshan's celebrity aura, the two of them gradually began to believe that he could exorcise ghosts.

After five minutes passed, Lai Chengshan finally opened his eyes.

He raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and slowly stood up with a long sigh of relief.

Fan Zeng remained silent, fearing that he would disturb the master's ghost exorcism ceremony. Seeing him getting up, I couldn't help but rushed up and asked: "Master Lai, how are they? Have they been sent away?"

Lai Chengshan did not answer in a hurry, but instead recounted how he had just defeated the enemy with great difficulty: "You don't know, those ghosts were extremely ferocious, their resentment was so deep and they stayed for too long, they almost swallowed my soul." Fortunately, I have strong skills, otherwise something big would really happen..."

f4 I stopped doing it once I heard it.

The four of them were the only permanent ghosts in the apartment, so Lai Chengshan said this just to accuse the ghosts in person.

"It's nonsense and full of lies. How could we be so cruel?"

"This is obviously a ploy. Are you trying to blackmail someone?"

"No, I don't think I can bear this grievance. I even want to show him how fierce I am."

"Brother, calm down. We are civilized ghosts and cannot do such illegal things..."

Lu Xu just felt like laughing when he heard Master Lai talking so much. Not only did he think about it, he actually laughed out loud in the end.

There were few people talking in the empty corridor, which was why Lu Xu's laughter was even more obvious.

Lai Chengshan just exaggerated the atmosphere and talked about his own hardships in exorcising ghosts. However, what awaited him was not tribute and gratitude, but Lu Xu's hearty laughter. Then he looked at this young man looking at him with a slight smile on his face, his eyes clearly filled with amusement: "I think the master's surname should not be Lai but Jia."

Lai Chengshan reacted instantly and his face turned red: "What do you mean by this?"

"Master should know what I mean," Lu Xu didn't worry when he saw him getting angry. He just gave f4 a look: "Let me ask you, did the ghost really go away?"

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