Chapter 30

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"The Birth of an Idol" has the label of being developed by all, and puts the right to debut in everyone's hands. The fate of the players is in the hands of the audience, which can easily arouse everyone's sense of participation.

Many fans are making rankings, voting and making data out of genuine emotion, just to pick their favorite trainee to debut.

It is also because of this that many people pay attention to online popularity voting, always staring at the changing number of votes and thinking about their brother's future.

At the beginning of the voting, those at the top were basically familiar faces with a certain fan base. Of course, there are also newcomers like Lu Xu. Netizens became fans after watching the show and started voting. Although the climber in front was a bit slow, as the popularity of the show increased, more and more people got to know him, and more and more people became fans.

In addition, there are TV Emperors and singers canvassing votes for him, and Lu Xu's vote count has climbed up to the naked eye.

If Lu Xu slowly climbed to the first position, no one would think it was awkward.

But first, there was Lan Gaojie who was ranked first. Before everyone could finish scolding the capital operation, Lu Xu suddenly rose to the first place.

[Don't eat Fujian people: Oh my god, I must have read it wrong. I missed it by so many votes and Lu Xu caught up with him just one night later. This is too magical.]

[Going up Liangshan with a big sword on my back: I'm not questioning Lu Xu, I just think this vote is a little too fast. Could it be that Lu Xu's rich fans are also taking action, and the two companies are spending money in an online battle? 】

[Cheese-flavored Little Moon: Although Lu Xu's number of votes has increased a bit quickly, I really think it's normal for him to be number one. 】


Many netizens felt that Lu Xu's votes had soared, but Lu Xu was very popular with the public, so everyone just sighed casually and didn't say anything unpleasant.

However, Lan Gaojie's fans quit, so the program team asked them to check the fraudulent votes——

[Aspiring to be high and Jie's heart to be blue: The Birth of an Idol official v I would like to ask the official Lu Xu, is it normal for the surge in votes in one night? Since our family has been investigated because of doubts, for the sake of fairness, we should also check his vote count, right? 】

Seeing Lu Xu's vote count soaring, many people's first reaction was whether they had spent money.

But when I clicked on the fan contribution value, I saw that the highest one was only a few thousand votes, so there was no possibility of wealthy fans focusing on spending money.

The show has been aired for two or three days, and the fans should have voted long ago. How could it be possible that there are so many more votes now?

Faced with the doubts from Lan Gaojie's fans, the program team still tested Lu Xu's real-time vote count in the interest of fairness.

After knowing the result, Fan Zeng called the staff specifically and asked: "How is it? There should be no problem."

"The number of votes is normal. There is no fraud, but there is something strange..." The staff looked at the voting distribution chart and said casually, "Lu Xu's number of votes has increased in other time periods." It's quite normal, except that between midnight and one o'clock, the number of votes suddenly surged. After the increase, the number of votes has been increasing, but the pace has slowed down significantly..."

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