Chapter 118

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The apartment is a one-bedroom and one-living room with partitions. There are game equipment in the living room and there are piles of garbage everywhere.

The environment in the living room is already dirty and messy, but compared with the bedroom, it is actually pretty good.

The bedroom area is not large. Apart from the bed and wardrobe, there is only a simple study table and chairs.

But the room was not empty as Ding Hongyang said. Instead, there was a corpse sitting quietly that had begun to swell and decay.

The weather is already hot in summer, and no one knows how bad the smell in the room is after being stuck at home for three days.

Ding Hongyang looked at the bruised and swollen face, and could vaguely see his own appearance from above.

The two of them were wearing the same house clothes, and even the holes in their socks were exactly the same.

No one can remain absolutely calm when they see themselves dying in front of them, and the same goes for Ding Hongyang.

He unconsciously wanted to ask Lu Xu and Ji Xiunian for help. He pointed at the corpse and asked what was going on: "That's definitely not me. I'm just standing here. I haven't gone out for three days. I I have no idea how he got in..."

At this time, Ding Hongyang no longer had the calmness he had just now.

He pointed at the corpse over there and felt like crying. He even considered calling the police. He was obviously on the verge of collapse.

"Calm down and think about what you were doing three days ago." Lu Xu interrupted his confusion and guided him to recall the scene when the incident occurred.

"What was I doing three days ago..." Ding Hongyang tried to calm his thoughts and followed Lu Xu's guidance, "Three days ago I completed a new challenge, playing games online for 48 hours... ...."

As a game anchor, staying up late is a common occurrence for Ding Hongyang.

It is normal to stay up all day and all night, it seems like this is the first time for 48 hours.

God knows how sleepy Ding Hongyang was, so he could only refresh himself by drinking coffee and other methods. Staying up late to live broadcast can be regarded as a gimmick. The platform gave Ding Hongyang a recommendation position, and the number of online viewers and rewards are much better than before.

After two days, Ding Hongyang felt that his whole head was empty.

But 48 hours is not much, so he thought of taking a short break and continuing to broadcast, which can be regarded as striking while the iron is hot.

He still remembered that day when he stood up from the computer, yawned and walked into the bedroom to find some more refreshing spray. As a result, I just opened the drawer and felt very tired. I sat on the chair and wanted to take a rest.

In his impression, he only fell asleep for a short while, and then got up and continued playing games.

"Stop repeating the wrong memory." Lu Xu pursed his lips and directly interrupted his wrong memory. "Close your eyes and honestly feel the state at that time."

Ding Hongyang originally didn't realize there was anything wrong with his memory, but when Lu Xu said this, he unconsciously recalled the scene at that time. Slowly, he began to feel a little inconsistent.

In fact, he felt really tired at that time, so he really leaned on the chair and wanted to take a rest. But after being overworked and suddenly relaxed, Ding Hongyang never woke up again as soon as he closed his eyes.

It's just that he was too tired to accept the fact that he had passed away, so his soul subconsciously believed that he was still alive.

In this way, he didn't realize his death at all. There happened to be a small problem with the system, and then he lived with his soul body for three days.

Realizing his own death, Ding Hongyang seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He looked dull and muttered to himself: "I just took a nap, why did I die..."

Ji Xiunian straightened out what happened, and when he heard what Ding Hongyang said, he couldn't help but retort: ​​"It's not because you sleep, but because you never sleep."

The human body is like a precise instrument, it needs to work but also needs to be given time to rest.

Nowadays, too many people think that it's okay to stay up late, but they don't know that many people are actually overdrawing their vitality.

For example, Ding Hongyang is a typical person who uses his youth as courage, but he doesn't know that his body has reached the point of overdraft.

"Okay, once the information is confirmed, we can go on the road." Lu Xu was used to life and death, and there were countless people who regretted it after death, so he didn't think there was any problem.

No matter how hard it is for Ding Hongyang to accept that he is dead, he can only obediently embark on the road to hell.

The two reported the information and prepared to leave.

Ji Xiunian couldn't help but glance at Ding Hongyang's workbench, and couldn't help but wonder whether this overdraft was worth it.

"His body..."

"Someone will come over soon to take care of it." As Lu Xu spoke, he took Ji Xiunian's hand and faced him while preparing to teleport, "I will teach you how to teleport when I go back and take some time, so that you can It would be more convenient to work by yourself..."

Not long after they left, the apartment manager knocked on Ding Hongyang's door.

Recently, many tenants have reported that there is a pungent and unpleasant smell in this home, and the management wants to let them open the door and have a look. After knocking on the door for a long time, no one came to open it, but the smell was getting stronger and stronger.

The manager's intuition was not good, so he finally brought the spare key and opened the door. After seeing the situation inside clearly, I immediately called the police: "Hello, someone has died here..."


On the other side, Yao Yulong was still standing outside the bathroom.

While praying that no one would come over, I looked at the time and wondered when the two inside would come out.

Occasionally, two trainees came over, but Yao Yulong insisted that the toilets were being repaired and sent them away.

"Are you feeling better..." Yao Yulong couldn't help but mutter. Just when he was thinking about what to do, Xu Lele suddenly appeared.

"Hey, didn't you say you were going to the bathroom a long time ago? Why are you still here?" Xu Lele had a cheerful personality and asked Yao Yulong directly without noticing when he was talking to Yao Yulong.

"Um..." Yao Yulong thought about the situation inside, and couldn't help but raise his voice to remind the two of them, "The bathroom is broken and is being repaired. You have to go somewhere else for convenience."

Xu Lele didn't care about this, but replied with a bright smile: "It's okay, I'm not urinating, I just came over to see and wash my hands." As he spoke, Xu Lele had already bypassed Yao Yulong, who was in a daze, and headed straight towards Walk to the bathroom.

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