Chapter 108

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If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for Ji Xiunian to imagine that a student in his prime would commit suicide because of a loan.

Eight thousand dollars turned into one hundred thousand dollars has indeed doubled several times, but is it really worth giving up your life for one hundred thousand dollars?

His thoughts were complicated and he thought about a lot at once. Looking at Lu Xu's calm expression from beginning to end, he didn't have much reaction even after hearing Guo Lian's story. He just asked him to confirm the information and go on his way.

"Will they suffer retribution if I die?" Since non-scientific things like death exist, then there should be cause and effect in the world. Guo Lian was unwilling to die. He couldn't help but chase Lu Xu and asked a lot of questions, "And my parents, I shouldn't be harassed after my death. They are both very honest characters. I really can't worry about it." ..."

Lu Xu originally didn't want to say too much to Guo Lian, but after all, he was Ji Xiunian's first apprentice, so he still gave him some face.

"Retribution is very mysterious and pays attention to cause and effect. In many cases, it is not retribution in this life. Otherwise, why do you think those bad people can gain both fame and wealth?" Lu Xu raised his eyebrows, without deliberately comforting him, "After death, no matter what happened before, your time is up. It's time to hit the road."

After that, regardless of Guo Lian's reaction, he politely sent him to Huangquan Road.

Ji Xiunian witnessed the whole process from one side and felt that it was all beyond his knowledge.

Before this, he had never thought about what would happen after his death. After all, after death, everything is in vain before the light goes out.

But seeing Lu Xu's complete set of tricks, Ji Xiunian always felt that he had a slightly different understanding of death. Exactly what it felt like, he couldn't tell yet.

Lu Xu sent Guo Lian away and then sent the information form. The business was over.

"Brother Nian, you have seen the process just now. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." As the leader of the newcomers, Lu Xu's work attitude can be said to be quite enthusiastic and considerate.

Ji Xiunian never dreamed that he would receive such a high salary for his "work".

Lu Xu never forgets to explain to Ji Xiunian when he is working, so he is still relatively familiar with the process.

It's just that although Guo Lian is a soul, in Ji Xiunian's opinion, he was once a living person. It's a pity that a life just passes in front of you.

Lu Xu seemed like a roundworm in Ji Xiunian's belly. He could tell what he was thinking at a glance: "We are the gods of death, and we only care about the things we should care about. There are thousands of causes of death, and except for death itself, everything else has nothing to do with us. "

Whether it was an accident or suicide, what brought them here was ultimately death itself.

Countless people have died because of debt. Everyone has their own choice and experience, and others can't influence it.

Lu Xu spoke in a relaxed tone, as if he took death very lightly.

Not sure if he was affected, Ji Xiunian suddenly felt that death seemed to be just that.

At the same time, the staff of the program team were following the trainees, trying to record their images before they were eliminated for the second time.

After all, they have been here for a long time. The trainees not only have feelings for their "classmates", but also have a fateful bond with their instructors.

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