Chapter 96

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Ji Xiunian didn't know much about death energy, but for some reason, when he saw the black energy covering Fan Zeng's body, he felt that he was in danger.

He didn't know how to express this feeling. He just repeatedly checked whether Fan Zeng was feeling uncomfortable in any way.

"I'm really fine." Fan Zeng noticed Ji Xiunian's nervousness and was a little dumbfounded. "If you feel uncomfortable, I will definitely see a doctor as soon as possible. Don't worry, Xiunian."

"But..." Ji Xiunian still felt uneasy, and when he was trying to persuade him, Fan Zeng interrupted him.

"Okay Xiunian, I'm really sleepy now. If you keep asking me to talk, something will really happen to me." Fan Zeng patted Ji Xiunian on the shoulder and then returned to his room.

Ji Xiunian had no choice but to feel very complicated.

He had seen that kind of black energy in Lan Gaojie before, and it disappeared within a few days. At that time, he was still wondering if the result would be different if he had been warned in advance.

Now the person with the death aura in his body has become Fan Zeng, and he can't just sit back and ignore it.

It's just that it's already this time, and it seems that it's really inappropriate to pull the other person and say this.

Fortunately, the death energy on Fan Zeng's body is not too strong yet, so he still has a chance to race against death.

Of course Ji Xiunian hoped that he felt wrong, but he still had to be prepared for everything.

He was upset but didn't know who to follow. Finally, he picked up Bamei on the ground and sighed, as if asking it: "Bamei, Brother Fan will be fine, right?"

"Meow." The eighth sister stared at Ji Xiunian with wet eyes and blinked, not sure if she understood.

Ji Xiunian touched its head, as if to cheer himself up: "It will be fine."

Ji Xiunian didn't sleep very peacefully that night. He always felt something strange in his heart, as if something was about to happen.

The next morning, Ji Xiunian got up early to meet Fan Zeng, only to find that he had already gone to the studio.

The second performance is about to be recorded, and both the staff and trainees are eager to try it, not to mention the director Fan Zeng.

"Every unit is ready to confirm the camera position. Have the lighting engineer and sound engineer arrived? We will go through the rehearsal later and make sure the stage effect is guaranteed..."

Fan Zeng sat in front of the monitor, busy coordinating command work with various departments.

Although there is still a tired look on his face, he looks much better than last night.

Seeing that there were people around him, Ji Xiunian couldn't find a chance to come forward, so he could only choose to wait aside for the time being.

"Brother Nian, what are you looking at here?"

Lu Xu's voice suddenly sounded from behind. When Ji Xiunian turned around, he realized that he was already standing next to him, and his eyes fell on Fan Zeng.

Ji Xiunian had been holding back all night. When he saw Lu Xu, he couldn't help but want to confirm with him: "Lu Xu, can you see?"

"What did you see?" Lu Xu turned his head and looked at Ji Xiunian, as if waiting for his answer.

Lu Xu spoke carelessly, as if he was detached from external objects.

He was obviously smiling, but it felt like he had no emotion at the moment. The dark eyes are indifferent, giving people the feeling of seeing through life and death.

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