Chapter 137

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Who would have thought that a tag that could save people would eventually become the spring of CP fans.

Everyone saw the interaction between Lu Xu and Ji Xiunian, and they always felt like they were really in the same frame.

Because rescuing people was a hot search topic, Lu Xu's popularity grew even higher. Already at the top of the voting list, the number of votes surged in just a few hours, easily breaking a new record.

Lu Xu didn't particularly care about the popularity on the Internet. He just stopped looking when he saw the "Continue CP" clip compiled by fans. Not to mention, these fans are really talented.

It was originally a very simple interaction, but they took it out separately and put it together. Even Lu Xu felt that there seemed to be a real tacit understanding between himself and Ji Xiunian, and there was an indescribable incompatibility.

"Tsk, tsk, Brother Xu, don't tell me, this video is so sweet to me." Han Tianyu watched it with gusto on his phone, and subconsciously sighed.

Lu Xu did not continue the topic, but asked casually: "Did the staff say what to do next?"

"Yes, I said we would take a break first, then go to the Matchmaker Temple together, then have a BBQ on the beach, and finally set off fireworks together." Although he only watched it once, Han Tianyu had already memorized the process in his mind.

"The Matchmaker Temple?" Lu Xu raised his eyebrows and seemed a little interested.

Seeing this, Han Tianyu said again: "Yes, it is said that there is a matchmaker living in it, so it is very useful to seek marriage and so on."

Lu Xu nodded, noncommittal.

Xu Haoming laughed beside him: "Then I'll go and ask for one for myself later. If it works really well, I hope you can arrange a girlfriend for me right away, haha."

Others laughed when they heard this: "It's a bit difficult for you right now, unless you relax your gender a little bit."

"Hey, that won't work. I'm a straight man." Xu Haoming shook his head like a rattle, looking very resistant.

Yao Yulong, who has always been quiet, couldn't help but stand up and said: "I heard from the elderly at home that matchmakers really seem to exist. It is said that many people have seen her, and they actually met true love after that."

"Whether there is any, we'll find out when we go there and take a look." Xu Lele felt excited after hearing this, and couldn't wait to set off to the Matchmaker Temple now.

Lu Xu's area was almost in repair, and the scenic area had returned to its apparent calm after the initial panic.

Not long after, the staff came over to inform everyone that they were ready to start the next recording.

The trainees gathered together and then set off to the Matchmaker Temple.

The Hong Niang Temple is located halfway up the mountain on Qingkong Island, with an altitude of 300 meters. It would take an ordinary person about an hour to climb up.

There is a cable car in the scenic area, but in order to reflect the youthful vitality of the trainees, the program team decided to let everyone hike up the mountain.

Fortunately, we are all young people, and the altitude of the mountain is not too high. We all had fun chatting all the way up.

Xu Haoming was still looking around privately on the way, always feeling that something was missing: "By the way, does the instructor also have guest singers?"

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