Chapter 194

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Even in peacetime, there are still a large number of unresolved cases every year.

For example, Dongcheng's "Rainy Night Murderer" is one of the more well-known Internet celebrity unsolved cases.

Twenty years ago, when the Dongcheng economy started Pengfei, the housing prices at that time were not astronomical as they are now, and the criminal investigation technology was naturally not as good as it is now. The first murder occurred in the South End, where a beggar was found dead on the road.

His throat and trachea were cut open with a knife, and the little finger of his left hand was cut off and taken away.

It happened that night in the torrential rain, and the beggar had no relatives, no evidence and no one around him to check his social connections, so the case was shelved.

The police thought that this was an individual case, but where did they think that seven similar murders occurred one after another.

All of the deceased had their throats cut and their little fingers cut off.

This same and cruel modus operandi is obviously committed by one person, because the murderer always commits crimes on rainy nights, so the outside world gave him the title of "rainy night murderer".

The deceased had different occupations and little connection to each other.

The only thing that is the same is that their economic conditions and social status are at the bottom, and their livelihood is difficult and difficult.

Prisoners are cunning enough to avoid surveillance every time they commit a crime. After so many cases were investigated, only a little DNA and half a footprint were found.

The profile given by the criminal psychologist is that this man is a middle-aged man between the ages of thirty-five and forty, living in relatively good conditions, and has his own car. Usually his personality is relatively strong in life, but the evaluation of him by people around him should be good.

After the eighth murder, almost the whole country was discussing this horrific serial murder.

The police are under great pressure to investigate, and after the eighth murder, several suspects have been arrested to come back for investigation, but they were all released due to insufficient evidence.

At that time, there was a lot of noise, and the Internet was full of news about this murderous maniac.

Every rainy night, everyone is worried, preferring to take leave at home rather than go out on an adventure, for fear that they will become the next target of the murderer.

Even the police are waiting for patrols every rainy night, waiting for the ninth murder.

Strangely enough, since the eighth case thirteen years ago, the rainy night murderer has not appeared again as if it disappeared out of thin air.

As time passed, the case slowly faded out of the public's view.

Except for those police who want to find out the truth and never give up, others have long been busy with life and left this case behind.

Now a similar murder suddenly occurred on West Street, and the case that had been sealed for a long time returned to the public's vision.

Now the Internet is in all directions, and netizens have talked about it after the case. One moment I felt scared, and the next I questioned the efficiency of the police.

There are also media attention to the victims themselves, trying to see if they can dig up useful information from the deceased.

Since the beginning of summer, Zhao Hongxia will come out to set up a stall every late at night. Coupled with the fact that she is also a gentle personality, many people know that she has not had an easy time.

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