Chapter 97

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The audience under the stage screamed and the lights on the stage dimmed.

The prelude to the music started, and fog began to appear on the stage. With the lights slowly turning on, it looked a bit ethereal.

Lu Xu sat on a chair and appeared on the stage with the help of a lifting platform, as if a miracle had come.

"Despicable thief, the crown of vanity turns into a sword of judgment..."

Lu Xu held the microphone in his hand, sat on the chair and pulled his tie, his voice was lazy and a little hoarse.

They seemed to be telling stories with songs and mobilizing everyone's thoughts with music.

Almost everyone is angry because of the thief's success, and they want to tear off that person's hypocritical skin immediately. The calmer the singer is on stage, the more complete the story will be.

The thief gains both fame and fortune, and reaches the pinnacle of life step by step.

However, there are no absolutes in the world. The farther and higher you go on an unhealthy path, the more miserable you will be when you fall.

Lu Xu just sang the song carelessly, with a king's look in his eyes, cold and noble.

"You try to step me into the dust, but I am who I am and you can't learn from me..."

The tie has already been torn open, three buttons of the shirt have been undone, and the beautiful collarbone is clearly visible.

Lu Xu looked thin, but every muscle was beautiful and just right.

Going down the middle line, people only feel that the skin is beautiful with white lines, and they even want to see the scene under the clothes.

By coincidence, Lu Xu got up to dance, and when he raised his hand, his clothes moved up, revealing half of his waist. The waist looks slender, but the abdominal muscles are exposed. The white and tender skin does not make people feel weak because of the beautiful muscle lines, but it is indescribably attractive.


The audience in the audience were like groundhogs, unable to help but scream uncontrollably.

To exaggerate, he even raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose, fearing that nosebleeds would spurt out.

The song "Can't Learn" was so exciting and sassy that the whole audience was blown away.

In order to make this song appear more wild, the choreographer also specially designed the hip thrusting movement.

The teenagers stood in rows on the stage and all moved forward with their crotches thrust forward.

The handsome face, beautiful waist and straight and slender legs, coupled with the reflection of the stage lights, make people feel a little dry in the mouth and a little soft in the knees, and they want to worship on the spot.

The perfect combination of singing, cool and wild, everyone sees nothing but the trainees on stage.

Ji Xiunian was more absent-minded tonight than before, and couldn't help but look at Fan Zeng's condition.

The uneasiness in his heart spread and fermented as the death energy in his body increased, making him feel a little restless.

Unfortunately, this was at the recording site of the program. He couldn't be too obvious, otherwise he would have to re-record, which would cause trouble for everyone.

When the previous groups of trainees took the stage, Ji Xiunian tried his best to concentrate on watching the performance, so as to ensure that he understood their abilities as much as possible.

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