Chapter 65

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Han Tianyu dreamed again.

Because I had a series of strange dreams about a woman with long hair, I haven't been able to rest well in the past few days, and I don't even dare to sleep anymore.

It's just that the recording of the event was really stressful, and I spent another day on the cruise ship blowing the sea breeze. After I came back and took a shower, I lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

There is a saying that what you are afraid of will come to you. As Han Tianyu had expected before, this sleep was not comforting.

Not long after he fell asleep, he came to the familiar corridor again. At the other end of the corridor stood a long-haired woman with her back to him. The more he looked at her, the more frightened he became.

"This is a dream, this is a dream!" Han Tianyu tried hard to do his own ideological work, trying to wake himself up.

But no matter how hard he tried, it was useless. Seeing the distance between the female ghost and himself getting closer and closer, Han Tianyu felt bad.

He wanted to run away, but for some reason his feet felt like lead, and he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

The female ghost seemed to come specifically to break down his psychological defense. She didn't flash in front of him, but shortened the distance between the two little by little.

Although his back was turned to him and he couldn't see his face clearly, Han Tianyu had an intuition that it wasn't a very friendly face.

Ahhhhhhh, I'm going crazy!

The female ghost was in front of her in an instant, even closer than in the last dream.

Han Tianyu could clearly hear the "gurgling" sound in her throat, and watched her slowly turn her head in confusion.

The most terrifying thing was that her body didn't move at all, only her neck was twisting at a weird angle.

She is not human!

This realization made Han Tianyu very desperate. He felt that his mind went blank and he almost forgot to breathe.

"When she turns her head, I will be doomed..."

Han Tianyu was extremely scared. Just when he was extremely desperate, he suddenly thought of what Lu Xu had said before. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth and shouted: "Brother Xu, save me!"

In fact, even Han Tianyu himself thought it was child's play. No matter how powerful Lu Xu was, it would be impossible for him to appear in his dream to save him.

Besides, there was this female ghost in the dream, so he wouldn't worry if Lu Xu really came. Don't let a younger brother join you if you haven't liberated yourself.

But another voice was telling him to believe in Lu Xu. His determination at that time was not false, and he had a solution.

The two little people were arguing back and forth in his mind, and Han Tianyu felt like he was in a state of confusion.

The female ghost was in front of him in an instant, suddenly laughed out loud, and then went to hold Han Tianyu's face: "You are in love, little brother."

"I'm in love with a big-headed guy!" Han Tianyu was really going crazy. He always felt like something wet was licking his face.

Is it possible for a human tongue to be so long?

Han Tianyu had a gut feeling that something was going on, but in this situation, how could he dare to open his eyes and see.

The female ghost held his face, looking more and more satisfied, her eyes rolling. He flicked his long tongue and grinned: "When I change the chapter, you will be my boyfriend!"

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