Chapter 161

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"No, it's too similar." Xu Lele looked at the photos on the wall and then at Lu Xu, and always felt that he looked like the person in the photo.

When the other trainees heard the movement, they leaned over out of curiosity: "What is not like?" "

"Oh, this is it." Xu Lele pointed to the photo and asked them, "I should be the only one who feels like it." "

Xu Haoming looked closer, only shocked: "This is Brother Xu!" I look the same! "

"Yes, could it be that the boss is also a fan of Brother Xu, and he hung out a photo of Brother Xu?"

"Brother Xu, when did you take this set of photos, it looks really old."


A group of people talked about it, and almost decided that this was Lu Xu.

To say that they might still have questions in their hearts, Ji Xiunian could see that it was Lu Xu when he opened his eyes.

Thinking that Lu Xu appeared in this store a hundred years ago, Ji Xiunian couldn't help but be a little curious.

When the waiter next to him heard them speak, he couldn't help but come over and politely introduce them: "The photos on the wall were all taken a hundred years ago, not Mr. Lu Xu!" "


If you look at the other pictures on the wall, you can clearly see the sense of age, and it is not impossible to say that the photos from 100 years ago are not impossible.

But the people in this photo were so much like Lu Xu that they were a little unbelievable for a while.

The waiter actually felt like Lu Xu, but still insisted: "This is a friend of Grandpa Fu, and the signboards of our store are all written by him!" "

There was no need for the waiter to lie, and everyone was more and more surprised when they heard this.

Instead, Lu Xu broke this surprise with a smile, and said jokingly: "If I say that the person in the photo is me, will you believe it?" "

The more he does this, the more others think it's a coincidence.

Xu Haoming, who was still sure that it was a person at first, changed his words first, stared at the photo carefully and then said: "It looks like it's real, but it's actually different when you look closely." "

People are like that, once they accept a preconceived notion, they try to find evidence to support their arguments.

"Yes, yes, you look at this face shape, it's actually a little different."

"Yes, yes, Brother Xu's face is smaller and his facial features are more delicate, of course, you two are very handsome."

"If you look closely, there are really differences, and they are not exactly the same..."

A group of people looked at the photos than Lu Xu, trying to find a difference.

In the end, it is a photo from a hundred years ago, plus it is reconstructed and printed, and the clarity and recognition are naturally not the same as now.

Lu Xu smiled the whole time and did not speak, others were busy helping him find differences.

In the end, everyone still agreed, and it can only be said that fate is a very magical thing.

The deceased a hundred years ago looked almost the same as Lu Xu, no wonder some people said that fate is a reincarnation.

The people in the photo looked at it in their twenties, thinking that they should have returned to the west a long time ago.

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