Chapter 5- The New Girl

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Rae's POV

"Trevor will give you a ride to school tomorrow Rae." I choke on the water I'm drinking and sharply fix my eyes on her, she's staring at while biting her lower lip. I also shift my attention to the boy across from me. We're are all having dinner, it took a lot from Diana to convince Trevor to sit here with all of us.

His full attention is on his phone and he doesn't hear her statement.

"Trevor?" he doesn't answer at first but Diana clears her throat and he looks up at her. "Are you okay with what your mother said?"

He cocks his head to the side and shifts his attention to Elena, a bored expression on his face. He raises an eyebrow silently asking her to repeat her statement.

"I said that you'll be giving Rae a ride to school tomorrow." His eyebrows furrow in confusion and he briefly glances at me. "Why?"

Elena rolls her eyes. "If not you then who else will do it?"

"That's not what I meant, I mean why she would follow me to school." Elena frowns at this. "Just because you don't like her doesn't mean she won't go to school Trevor." She states raising an eyebrow.

Trevor rolls his eyes at her comment. "I never said she couldn't go to school but it doesn't mean she has to go to mine." I involuntarily roll my eyes at his statement.

Who does he think he is?

"If you don't give her a ride, then you could say goodbye to your car until she gets hers. Which I guess would take a lot of time considering she's not eighteen yet, and you know I don't support underage driving." My eyes widen as I realize what she just implied.

I would be getting my own car....hopefully.

Trevor lets out a humorless chuckle. "You can't take my car." She smirks dapping the corner of her lips with a napkin. "Just try me."

The look on Trevor's face shows he knows his mother is serious. Elena pushes her chair a bit back, gets up and walks up the stairs without another word.

The next to leave is a furious Trevor, but not before sending me a glare which held promises of pay back.

I remain frozen, dreading the next day.


"Are you ready darling?" Elena asks me as I stare at my palms standing by the front door waiting for Trevor. I'm currently wearing a thin round neck long sleeve sweater and some ripped jeans together with a white converse, my hair is free and resting on the middle of my back and I didn't put any makeup. I look up at her.

"A bit nervous but okay." I give her a small smile.

"Don't be, there's not to worry about." She says pulling me into a tight hug. 'Easy for you to say, you're not the one about to share a car with someone who would probably rather want to see you dead.' But I don't say that, I just remain quiet and hug her back.

She pulls away as Trevor walks past us towards his car which is parked directly in front of the house. Diana comes rushing in and gives me a quick hug pushing me forward towards the car.

In front of me is a black Cardillac CTS Sedan, which I recognized from one of Carter's magazines. I never ever imagined that I would ever ride in a car like that but the thought of who would be in the car with me just drains all the excitement away.

"Took you long enough." Trevor snaps as I open the door. I ignore him and put on my seat belt, facing the direction of the window.

He immediately speeds off.

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