Chapter 9- The Bitter Truth

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Rae's POV

It'd been another week since the party, a week ever since I'd seen Ava. It wasn't like I hadn't been searching for her, I would always go through the floor I saw her for the first time, and I would always ask random people about her but I guess she wasn't bluffing when she said she was invisible, not a single person I've asked knows her; it was really frustrating because I have a lot of questions for her.

I didn't stick to her warning but I was cautious of the girls; I couldn't quite grasp how Brooklynn of all people could be what Ava put her as, she seems so innocent that I can't be certain of what Ava said. I can't quite come to a conclusion based on what Ava told me, I would need more proof that I'm sure Ava has.

"This is so exasperating." I place down my pen and sigh. I can't stop thinking about the situation I've been put in, and I have a lot of schoolwork to complete, at this rate, I won't achieve anything this evening. I get up and walk out of my room.

I need some water.

Walking into the kitchen, I pause as I see Trevor, he's right in front of the fridge, clearly looking for something. I sigh. I don't think I have the emotional strength to deal with his stupid ass. I'm about to leave when he says something.

"I'm not gonna stop you from getting whatever you want..." I slowly turn to face him. He's leaning on the island with an apple in his hands staring at me. I don't make a move to reply so instead he continues. "Or are so scared to be in the same room with me...alone." He's sporting a smug look. I scoff walking past him. "You'd be the last person I'll ever be scared of." I pull the refrigerator open and grab a bottle of water.

"You're not worth my fear." I walk past him but he grabs my elbow and pulls me back. "What's that supposed to mean?" he has his signature scowl on, the smirk he once had now forgotten. I smirk. "Exactly what I said, or do you need me to elaborate further." He gives me a warning glare and I sigh.

"It means that you're too much of an asshole and jerk to scare me, it means that your sorry ass doesn't deserve any emotion from me, you're not in any way worthy of my hate, fear, or any other're nothing." By the time I'm through, he looks like he's about to blow up. His grip on my arm begins to get hurtful, I try to shake him off but his hand doesn't budge. 'Stupid football player strength.' "Let go of my arm."

"You. Are. Going. To. Regret. Saying. That." He seethes through clenched teeth pausing at every word. He glowers at me. I keep my head up, staring him straight on, showing no fear but inside I'm cowering, and I think I might have gone too far. He roughly releases my arm causing me to stagger back a bit. He walks out immediately, the anger pouring out in waves.

What have I done?


"Why did you have to put such a burden on me, Ava?" Although I had that squabble with Trevor, I couldn't stop thinking about what Ava said, it isn't fair that she didn't clarify it properly for me, she just left suddenly, and I haven't been able to see her since then. And now it's messing with my sleep, I've been laying on my bed since about 8:00 pm, but every time I close my eyes, her words keep popping up in my head. I sigh and turn to my left.

11:30 pm

"Noooo..." It's almost midnight. 'This can't go on any longer.' From my years at the orphanage I've learned that -no matter how cliché it sounds- warm milk actually helps me sleep, sometimes when we would be given before bed while we were younger, I would pass out in a few minutes.

With that decided, I quietly walk out of my room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I'm about to heat up the milk when I hear some movements in the lounge. I put down the milk and walked out of the kitchen. Looking around the sitting area I shrug 'Seems like it's coming from outside, probably the security' I turn to leave but freeze when I hear the front door open. 'The security doesn't enter the house'

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