Chapter 3 - New sister?

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Trevor's POV

"That was amazing!" Jake punches the air as a form of celebration after our win.

"We wiped those cocky grins off their faces." I add proud of our win. My pals and I just won a bet in beating one of the best football teams in the state, school was off so we sometimes held games for fun and Jake couldn't control his excitement over winning.

We halt as we reach my car. "Are you sure you don't wanna come celebrate with us?" The guys planned to go celebrate but I didn't want to.

"Sorry bro, but I gotta get home." He nods in understanding and starts to walk off.

"See you later bro!" he calls out as he meets the others, I nod. Jake and I had been best friends as long as I can remember, with our parents being busy most of the time, we kinda grew close.

I unlock my car, getting in, I put on the ignition and drive home.


"Mom!?" I yell out. I didn't expect her to be home this early since she'd normally be at the company. "Yes honey, I'm in the kitchen!" I furrow my brows.

Is she cooking?

My mom never cooks even if she knows how to, well except some few occasions and when she's really happy.

Entering the kitchen, the aroma of whatever she's cooking goes straight up my nose. I sigh in content, I love when she cooks.

"Mom?" I give both her Diana -who is grinning at me- a peck on the cheek.

"Yes honey?" she continues her cooking.

"Why are you both so happy?" They share a knowing look.

"Oh it's nothing, just go up, I know how tired you might be." Diana answers and I sigh not wanting to push them into spilling whatever's put them in a good mood.

"Okay." I turn to leave as Diana adds. "Dinner's gonna be ready by six." I nod and jog upstairs. Diana is the one who is in charge of all the workers in our house, but she is like family to my mum and I, she was here when dad and Skyler died and all she's done is keep us sane in this house, without her I can't think what would have happened to mum.

I quickly walk to my room and shut the door to my room, I walk over to my desk and connect my iPod to the speakers turning on the music.

I walk straight to my bathroom to take a shower.


After the cooling shower I tie a towel around my waist and walk out the bathroom. Lightly blasting from the speakers is 'I wear glasses' by dating ritual and I smile at the memory of the evening Skyler, our friends and I went to a bar and she sang it with her beautiful voice during karaoke. Skyler had always had a beautiful voice that she wasn't afraid to show off anytime or anywhere, she didn't care.

I look up and freeze at the sight in front of me.

A girl?

She turns on her heels, probably bolting for the door, but I don't think she saw me. I react before she tries to move.

"Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my room!?" she freezes immediately. I expect her to face me and try to explain herself but she remains still.

"I believe I asked a question?" I ask, irritation clear in my voice. She slowly turns to face me pure shock is clear in her face. She looks be maybe a little younger than me, she has dark blonde hair but I can't make out the rest of her features.

"Uhh..." she trails off. I fold my arms and raise my left brow.

"Trevor, I..." Diana trails off as her gaze falls to the girl in my bedroom.

"Umm...well dinner's ready." She squeaks and pulls the girl out the door and I hear as she mumbles something to her. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

What are this women up to now?


I jog down the stairs and walk towards the dining.

"He...oh hey honey." My mom says, I eye her suspiciously and walk over to the table, I sit across the girl and she blushes immediately hiding her face when I look at her.

"Trevor?" I shift my attention to my mother who's beaming with smiles.

"Yes mom?" Her smile broadens. "I'm sure you must be really hungry, you want some?" She asks and I nod, even if I was almost eighteen I still loved the idea of my mom serving me the food she prepared. She places some ground beef stroganoff on my plate and I pick my cutlery digging into the food immediately while keeping my eyes on her, eager for her to explain the reason why this stranger of a girl is in our house.

"I want you to meet someone special." Interest sparks within me as I realize who she's talking about.

"Meet Rae..." she pauses and glances at Diana who gives her an assuring smile.

"...your new sister." I choke a bit on the stroganoff I'm eating and turn to her.

"Sorry could you repeat that, I thought I heard you say that..." I trial off as she nods. I feel my blood go hot.

How could she do this?

Yes, she did tell me about her plans to adopt someone but I refused, I don't want and need anyone to replace Sky, she's irreplaceable.

"Ho-." I cut her off with my hands. "I don't want to hear it." Her face falls but I get up, and jog upstairs not wanting to be in the same room as her, so I enter my room, grab my phone and quickly jog downstairs without taking another glance at them I leave the house. I walk into the empty street heading straight for club 39.

I think I need a drink.


3 hours later

I was sure I was completely wasted, I didn't need anyone to explain that. After I had arrived at the club, I found the guys, at first I didn't have the intention of getting drunk but got carried away with the drinking, after I became a bit tipsy, I just didn't care anymore and intentionally drank too much just so I could forget about my mum.

"Dude, they're starting another round of bear pong, you wanna play?" Tyler, my other friend and the only one who wasn't wasted among us asked me. I shake my head. "I-I gotta...g...o-o." I slurp a bit. "You can't walk in this condition, you're completely wasted bro and I you didn't drive here so I can't drive you back in it and I didn't drive here either." He remains silent for a while probably thinking of what to do but I shift my gaze from him trying to focus on not tumbling over. I grip a stool to steady myself.

"Come, let's go...I'll take you in Jake's car then I'll come back." I try to protest not wanting to ruin his fun for because I'm drunk but he pulls me through the crowd before I can say a thing. He guides me outside and the cold breeze of the night fans my face. He unlocks a car and we both get in, he turns on the ignition and pulls out from the club.


It took only a few minutes to get here because the club wasn't far from my house. Tyler had offered to help me in but I objected, I did not want to get in an argument with my mom over being drunk so I quietly passed the security and went into the house. I swiftly climb the stairs holding the railing so I wouldn't trip and fall in my drunken state.

I walk through the hall and stop at a certain door, I assume it is her room.

Inside, the lamp by the night stand is on and she's laying on her back on the bed staring above her at the ceiling, I try to walk past but my feet refuse to move and I stay glued staring intently at her small figure on the large bed.

Suddenly her gaze falls in my direction and she immediately sits up on the bed, I can't see her facial expression because of the light being ever so dim.


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