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Rae's POV


That what was I felt staring at the house in front of me; a few weeks ago and I would have felt so relieved and excited to be there. But no, this wasn't a few weeks back, I was different now, so much different.

I take a few steps forward, in the direction of the building stopping at times to monitor my surroundings and make sure no one was looking at me.

I stop at the front porch of the building and pause,

Was I about to this

I take a deep breath and curl my fingers so I could knock. My fingers immediately halt as the door swings open.

"Who are you?" The middle aged woman asks. I stiffen, my eyes widen as the realization hit me, 'She doesn't recognize me'.

"Uh...., I'm Rae...... Rae Evans." She scowls a bit, squints her eyes a bit and her face turns to one of confusion.

"Wait, did you say Rae?" she asks. What the hell, of course I said Rae. My anger begins to burn but I give her a small smile, hiding my true feelings from her. I nod a bit and my smile widens.

"Yes Rose, I know what you are thinking, and sure I.... am your daughter." I inwardly gag at the bitter taste of those words on my tongue. Her eyes widen as the words begin to sink into her head. She stays frozen for a while before she reaches out her hands to touch my face but I move away from her touch. She immediately recoils her hand and a feeling of hurt flashes through her brown eyes, but I don't care.

"I didn't come here so you could try to show any form of affection to me because I don't need it, I only came so you could see the wonderful woman I have become after sixteen years of abandonment by her own mother.

"You know how much I had always thought you would come back, all those nights I defended myself against Paige and her minions saying that you didn't leave me and you would be back.

"Those lonely nights..." I pause I bit as I feel a slight tingly feeling in my eyes. Why was I crying? Right in front of her? I fight the tears threatening to spill and face her. As I thought, she was crying, but I didn't care,

I shouldn't

"Those lonely nights I stayed coiled up a little cover at the verge of freezing, thinking about how we would be reunited, playing it over and over in my head." I step a bit backward and look straight into those eyes.

"But now, it only seems pathetic." She releases a sob and shift my gaze to turn away but halt as I hear a male hoarse male voice from behind.

"Honey who's at the...what's wrong?" his worried gaze shifts to me and immediately turns to a glare.

"What did you do to her?!!!" he yells out. I scoff and glare at the man who looks to be in his late forties.

"Well, I guess you didn't spend those years lonely" she releases another sob and I smile facing the man in front of me.

"I hope you enjoy your day." I turn a bit but face the couple and smirk.

"Oh...I almost forgot you have a nice home." My gaze lingers a bit on the vulnerable woman before me, I smile and completely turn away before strutting away.

"Rae! Rae!!! RAE!!!!!!!" She yells out but I don't look back as I continue my way and turn around the corner.

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