Chapter 20- Angry Boys and Scary Women

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Rae's POV

"I thought you were on a diet." Ava rolls her eyes. "I am, and so what?"

I eye the cheeseburger in her hands. "Being on a diet means you don't get to eat stuff like that." I point at the greasy food and she scowls, taking a huge bite out of it. She chews and swallows, the scowl still set.

"What do you mean by that?" she gives me a dirty look, daring me to share my thoughts with her. "Oh nothing, enjoy your cheeseburger."

She hums satisfied with my answer.

Ava is a big foodie. I don't know anyone who eats half the amount of food she does. She's lucky her body doesn't store fat, or she'd be way past overweight by now.

I go back to scribbling down on my notepad.

I'm finally back to school, free from the confinement of that room, walking perfectly well, and finally allowed to continue my normal life. In all, everything's back to normal. The only slightly different thing is an increase in Elena's care...if I should call it that. She's a bit more paranoid about something happening to me; but apart from that every other thing is great.

"Hey!" I look up from my notepad. I look over at Ava who looks as lost as I am. The blonde standing before us gives us a large smile.

"Lilian?" Ava speaks out first, it's obvious that she knows who the blonde is while I'm completely clueless. "Ava..." she gives Ava a small nod and turns to me, her smile wide but beautiful, showing off her pearly whites.

"I don't think we've met before, I'm Lilian, student body president. You're Rae right?" She sticks her hand out, offering me a handshake. I take it.

"Yes." I give a short reply.

"Well, I'm sorry I haven't gotten the chance to properly introduce myself." She apologizes, a slightly solemn look on her features.

"It's fine, I'm sure you've been very busy." She pushes back some loose strands of her hair behind her ear. I study her. She has platinum blonde hair which is cropped short, barely grazing her shoulder. Her eyes are a chocolate brown which is weird for a blonde, but suits her perfectly. She has a round face which gives her this cuteness, and a button nose that only complements her cuteness. The cupid's bow of her lips is very prominent, and the pink lip gloss she applied complements her pale skin.

"That I've been. The annual school talent night is approaching and I have to make sure everything is perfect." It's then that I notice the tablet in her hand and the small stack of papers in the other.

"Talent night?" I ask.

"Yeah...Ava didn't tell you about it? It's a big deal here." She glances over at Ava who gives a sheepish smile, taking a sip of her mango smoothie. "My bad." She shrugs.

Lilian sighs.

"It's an annual event. Important people from across the continent and Europe attend. Students display their talent and if the important people are interested, they sign a deal with you and the story goes on from there." Lilian looks down at her tablet and winces. "It was nice talking to guys, but I've got to go handle something right now, see you around." She gives a small wave and is gone before I can even say a word.

"She's nice," I comment, my eyes back on my notepad.

"Sign up for the event." I pause. "Sorry, what? I think I just misheard you."

"Nope, I mean it Rae, sign up for the event, it could be a great opportunity, one you can't miss out on." I pick up my pen.

"I'm not good enough to compete or whatever, I'll just end up embarrassing myself." I begin to scribble down stuff.

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