A new journey ✈️

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I was packing for my flight.

Yes, i discussed with my parents yesterday. They were quite happy, and wanted me to take a decision. I think this could be another step towards a successful future. And I can always carry my Art career too. Hyein and Kenji also convinced me. I see no reason to not avail this opportunity. I could make new friends, ig? The only girl group i know is Black pink & twice. They're just so iconic, & their friendship is amazing, honestly. I hope i could get such members too!!

Soon, i was done with my packing. My dad already booked me a flight. They said they wanted to go & accompany me but since i a good daughter, i knew how busy they are & that there work is really important. So I told them I would be okay alone. I hope so. I was about to leave but i spotted my drawing pad & the notebook i carry with me all the time so i decided to take it with me. Shelter was not an issue, as hyein lives there. Since she's my cousin, I could live with her and then later to my own apartment (rich rich).

My parents drove me to airport. It was all rushed because they didn't want me to miss anything. They talked to my principal. I could get lessons online, and can transfer schools there in Korea.

≡;- ꒰ °at the airport ꒱
All it felt so dreamy. Me going to Korea after spending 11 years in Australia. I'm so excited but also very sad to leave my parents behind. And Kenji. What am I gonna do without him? He's been there with me always. He knows what I like, my dislikes. He knows how to make me happy, to make me smile, to comfort me. He knows I'm afraid of thunderstorms, too much darkness. He knows me better than my parents. I'm gonna miss him, & my parents of course. I love them so much.

As soon as we reach the airport, my dad takes my suitcase. I have suitcase, a laptop bag & my handbag with me. There was still some time left for my flight. Kenji also arrives. He brought me my favourite food, because he knows no matter if i get food on airplane, i would still be hungry. He handed me a bag, & it had Tiramisu in it.

"Seriously? Omg I was craving for this so much. Thank you Kenji." I exclaimed in happiness.

"You're welcome. Now listen idiot, you don't get to forget me. If you do, I'll haunt you for whole of my life. Do make new friends, but DO NOT REPLACE ME. Keep updating me, call me everyday, & spill tea. Also, I'll visit you when you become a Kpop Idol. Make me proud, Kid."

I chuckle at him. He's so cute.

Soon it was time for me to go, to start a new chapter of my life. I hugged my parents. They got so emotional as I've never lived anywhere without them. I got emotional too. Then, I looked at Kenji smiling at us.

"Kid, join the family hug. Come on" my dad calls him.

He gladly joins the hug. Then i waved at them and finally looked in front. I passed through all the terminals and finally entered the plane. My seat number was G-43. The hostess guided me to my seat. It was a window seat. Finally, i suited myself. I was actually very tired. I texted dad, & Kenji to let them know I was on the plane.

Suddenly, I felt someone sitting besides me. I looked over and saw a tall guy. His face was hidden from the black mask he was wearing. He was dressed casual. I smiled at him so I don't look rude and then continued doing my stuff. Soon, the plane took off. The flight is going to be very long as the distance is approx 8000 km which means atleast 11 hour flight. 2 hours passed, and i already felt myself sleeping. Soon, I slept. Even though the seat was very comfy. But unconsciously, I put my head on the stranger's shoulders & slept.

Beyond the lucky seven: 8th member of Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now