the creepy interviewer & new dorm

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Today we were going back to Seoul

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Today we were going back to Seoul. I heard we have a interview before we reach our dorm. The interview is gonna be hosted by a popular interviewer who's famous for her 'making the idols uncomfortable'. Yes. She's gone viral for making the idols discomforted. I don't know why we idols have to be bound to just cope up with the disrespect and awkwardness. I would never. Anyways, I got ready for the interview. I wore a straight black jeans with a white shirt and a cute crop sweater on top. I picked up my bag and left the room. As I got out, I saw the boys almost ready too. I smile at them and joined them. Soon, our van was there. We left for the interview...

...As we reach the place, it was a large studio. Getting inside, we greeted the staff and the host. The interviewer began, and everything seemed fine until a moment of discomfort arose. That interviewer, Soo-min seemed really fake honestly. Specially her laughter. Suddenly, she put her hand on Ni-ki's shoulder. Girl, we're literally minors. Gosh, I could feel Ni-ki tense up. I look at the boys who had the same concerned faces. I was about to say something when she removed her hands off him. We sighed in relief.

"So this question is for Heeseung. Since you're the oldest one in the group, how do you feel about the others? Have you encountered any situation where your members outshined you? If yes, what was your reaction?" Bro. I want to yeet her out of this planet. I looked at Heeseung who clearly did not expect such a stupid question.

"U-uh. The word 'outshine' doesn't exist in our group. If a member does better than me or if fans like them more, i'm proud of them. It's happy to see the younger getting the love, and the recognition they deserve. I think if words like outshine exist in a group, the group is just not meant to be." He said making us smile. He's the sweetest person ever. The guys cheered for him while I clapped softly.

We began answering the questions. Everything seemed okay until a moment of discomfort arose when the female interviewer inappropriately touched Jake, who visibly flinched and appeared taken aback. Since Jake sat besides the interviewer, she intentionally kept touching him which made him feel uneasy. The boys and I instantly exchanged concerned glances, sensing that something was off. A hushed tension settled over the room as we witnessed Jake's discomfort.

Suddenly, the interviewer touched his thigh while talking so that it would look like a normal gesture. My blood boiled and I stood up. The boys initial reactions were of surprise and disbelief, but they swiftly shifted to support and concern.

"Could you please stop that?" I was sitting besides Jake. He looked at me in confusion. "I'm sorry but Jake looks uncomfortable sitting besides someone who keeps touching him." I said making her embarrassed. I signalled Jake to switch seats with me who nodded and whispered a 'thank you'. The guys spoke up, their voices firm but respectful, "We're here to talk about our music and our journey as a group. We'd appreciate if we could keep the interview focused on that." Their response was assertive but not confrontational, emphasizing their commitment to professionalism.

Beyond the lucky seven: 8th member of Enhypen Where stories live. Discover now