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Amal pov

"Did you enjoy the party" khaleed asked.

"yhh it was fun" I replied.

Silence remained as we continued driving.

Khaleed's friend is handsome I thought to myself. I wanted to ask him who he was but khaleed will definitely think otherwise.

But I just couldn't hold back my feelings, I mean I'm not a fan of boys but he was too much, he stole my heart right away.

During the party I was constantly glancing at him just to make sure his alright. I wanted to approach him but I didn't know What to say, on a second thought, approaching him was a bit down grade to me so I kept that aside.

I really want to know who he was so I decided to ask

"Khaleed Who was that guy you were talking to earlier when we arrived at the party" I asked

" Ooh usman, his a friend of mine from Uni, we planned to open our company together but it didn't work out so we opened separately" he replied

"Mm, whats the name of his company" I asked

"Bee fits, wait a minutes why are you asking this questions" he said looking at me weirdly

"nothing, I didn't know him as your friend that's why" I said trying my best to keep myself from blushing

"no you're lying, Hehh you're even blushing " he said smiling

" nothing!! Just leave me alone" I said smiling

"Ooh, just tell me you're crushing" he said with interest

"Khaleed I'm not, I was just asking nothing much" I yelled making it sound believable

"ok ok I've heard you but that doesn't mean I believe you" he said

" whatever" I said ignoring his looks.

Finally we arrived home, I was exhausted. I went straight to mama's room Just to find her asleep.

Surprisingly I saw dad at the inner parlour peacefully reading a newspaper

"Dad!? " I yelled

"Ooh sweety, I missed you" he said hugging me

"missed you too dad" I said returning the hug.

We chatted for a while. I then headed to my room, took a shower, performed ablution and prayed. After I finished I said my Dua'a, jumped into my bed and off to moon.

Usman pov
I finally arrived home, but the image of that girl were still vivid in my eyes, I couldn't take her off my mind, I've never fall for a girl so instant, she's gorgeous, modest, cute and she stole my heart.

"oh lord forgive me I'm in love" I murmured to myself.

I quickly showered, perform wudu and prayed, asking the almighty to cure my heart and give me the best. I changed, jumped into my bed and flue to Neptune.

"drrrr" my phone woke me up

"Hello" I answered without checking the caller ID

"usman don't tell me you're still sleeping it past six already" that was when I realized it was my mom

"mama Good morning,"

"morning usman, aren't you going to work today"

" I am mama, I just overslept"

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