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Khaleed pov

I was devastated by everything mom said. I lost my words, I seized functioning for seconds.

Fahad handed me a glass of water but tbh I couldn't feel the gulp pass my throat.

He helped me to my room, that was when I finally got my tough back.

"you knew everything" I asked

"yes, the thing is mom didn't want to hurt any of you guys feelings, that's why she didn't tell you earlier" he replied

"well clearly now she did, I know it not her fault but why this long" I yelled

"Khaleed this yelling won't help, it just a test from the Almighty, you have no other choice than to accept it no matter how hard it is, that's life" he said

I wished he knew how broken I was, how my heart aches, how hard It is to swallow.

"Fahad, you won't understand how I feel right now. You won't understand how hard I fell for her, how I can't go a day without thinking about her. Right now I'm physically, mentally and emotionally damaged. It not easy to stop loving someone that really matters to you just at once, try and understand how I feel bro!" I cried

He hugged me tightly as I shed tears like no tomorrow. he consoled me and gave me some peels, he advised me to take a rest before he left.

I headed to the bathroom, I looked at my red puffy eyes as I washed my face.

I laid down to have some rest but tears kept falling. Multiple things going on my mind. I put on my earpodes and connected it with my phone to listen to some verses of the Holy Qur'an. I felt relieved as sleep gradually caressed me.

Usman pov

I've gotten really better now. It been a while, I haven't visited Amal nor spoke with her.

So I decided to pay her a visit, I know she haven't got a new phone so I decided to surprise her with one.

I immediately showered and dressed into a beige cargo pants and white T-shirt, grabbed my wrist watch and car key and headed straight to their house.

I stopped by at a Samsung store and bought Samsung Galaxy A34 which was one of the latest. And bought some fruits and sweets for the house.

I pulled up at the house but I found the gate wide open just then fahad's car pulled out. We exchanged greetings and I parked at my normal spot.

I told the maid to inform Amal that I was outside. Suddenly I started hearing a melodious voice singing.

I dragged myself to where the sound was coming from. I then found the cute Amal dressed in a blue jumpsuit, her hair was tied in a ponytail. She had headsets on and she was the one singing.

I just stood there like a fool watching her dancing steps while listening to her angelic voice. I didn't even notice the maid was behind me.

I then realized she was coming towards me so I quickly averted my gaze not to make it obvious. But it was too late she caught me red handed.

"Heyy, how are you doing" I said pretending like I didn't do anything

"I'm good, how's mama" she asked with a smile

"she's doing great" I replied

"so let's go In" she said while opening the back door.

'gosh this girl is too much, the scent of her perfume and her cute behavior is everything, she's a total wife material' my inner self stated

I cleared my thoughts as we headed inside to greet mom. She was peacefully sitting on the couch as I squatted to greet she quickly picked me up And placed me to the chair as we exchanged pleasentries.

Minutes later Amal came in, she went straight to her mom ignoring my presence. She whispered something into her ear acting like a kid.

She then stood up and went out again then mom broke the silence

"how's mama" she asked

"she's doing great" I replied

"Masha Allah, make sure you tell her that I'll visit her soon in sha Allah" she said

"I'll in sha Allah" I chuckled

Her phone rang so she excused herslef and went to get the call. Couple of seconds later Amal came in and sat on a couch beside me.

An awkward silence occurred. I then remembered I didn't give her the phone

"oops I almost forgot, here" I said handing her the leather bag

"OMG a new phone! Thank you so much" she said excitedly

"don't mention it" I smiled

Just then my phone started ringing I checked the caller ID and it was Abbah I quickly picked up.

Out of nowhere, I found myself saying
"whaaaaaaaat!Really, are you serious"
I exculted...

Another update!!

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