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Usman pov

I left the room banging the door behind me. tbh at this point I was willing to do anything just to stop the wedding.

I made up my mind on confronting the girl. I clicked on the location Abbah sent and headed for the house. It wasn't that far just 20min drive.

I pulled up in front of a huge mansion when I say huge I mean very huge but beautiful. the gateman was sitted on a bench while his eyes fixed to his phone.

"Assalamu alaikum" I salamed

"Walaikumus salam" he replied

"please is this Alhaji Madaki's house"

"yes, any problem young man"

"alright, please I need you to inform the girl getting married tomorrow that I'm here"

"young man I don't know you why will I call her for you"

"ok lemme be straight forward, I'm usman Bala the guy she's getting married to"

"Ooh so you're the usman, ok oo let me inform her" he said and left

I was standing beside the car when a young girl looking around 17 to 18 year old, light skinned, beautiful and tall she was wearing a dark purple hijab.

is this what Abbah is trying to get me married to. this man must be kidding.
We entered the car and sat.

"how are you" I said

"fine" she replied

"I want to ask you a question and I need you to be hundred percent honest with me" I said

"ok I'm all ears" she replied

"do you really want this marriage stuff" she looked at me then kept quiet for seconds before answering


"then why did you agree to it"

"I don't know, I came back from school 2days back and that was when my mom told me everything, I suggested getting married to whom I like but my dad hesitated" she said almost sobbing, God girls are so freaking emotional

"then we have to do something to stop it before it too late"

"but I thought you like me" she asked out of blue

"nah, I was also forced, I already have someone else, we've been together for a year and a half I proposed to her few months back and now everything seems to start collapsing" I narrated

"ok, so what do we do"

"we're going to stop the wedding"


"we're going to switch, you'll be the one to meet my dad cry to him that you don't want the marriage and I'll go for your dad and do the same"

"ok but the wedding is tomorrow"

"and that's why we're doing it this night" she looked at me with question eyes and I nodded

We told the gateman that we were going for strolling, i don't know which kind of gateman he is that will believe such thing, like who goes out for strolling in the midnight for goodness sake.

I took her home and sneaked in, mama wasn't asleep so I narrated everything to her and she agreed to help.

The girl is a real drama queen, I told the maid to record everything so I won't miss the show and I left for my own role.

the gateman was sound asleep, I tiptoed and got into the house, one of the rooms downstairs was active and someone was inside sitted on a chair and seems like the person is typing on a laptop probably baba so I salamed and entered the room.

"baba?" he turned and was frightened

"Wayo, usman you scared me off"

"sorry I didn't mean to" I said almost giggling

"hope all is well, this one that you're here by this time of night"

"baba I wanted to talk to you about the wedding stuff and I want you to please understand me in a good way. It's not like I don't want to marry your daughter or something like that, it just that I have someone on mind but Abbah is forcing me to get married to a different person" he looked at me and tapped my shoulder

"my son I totally understand you but it was your dad's request so I couldn't hesitate, he told me that you're dating a spoilt brat who is with you just for your money is that true" he asked

My heart trippled, it was as if I was hit by an arrow but I managed to answer

"that's not true, baba the girl fa she's Alhaji Abubakar Aminu's daughter but abbah doesn't know and I don't want him to know soon, he's just good at judging people before he gets to know them"

"Alhaji Abubakar that I know?" he asked still in shock


"ok no problem I'll talk to him tomorrow morning in sha Allah because even the Asma'u doesn't want the wedding" he assured me

I thanked him and immediately rushed home. I overheard voices from outside, I entered and found the girl on the floor crying she then pointed at me and said

"but not this type of guy, I don't like him I'll rather commit suicide than to marry him" I looked at her confused I was wondering was that also part of the acting or real.

"what's going on" I asked

"shut up! I don't want to hear your voice, my boyfriend broke up with me just because of you!" she yelled pointing at me

I honestly feel bad but it's not my fault girl, I was forced too...

I walked in the room eyes are red and I don't smoke banga 🎶

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