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Ok so this chapter is another 'filler' just bc

But yea I hope you like


I walked back up to my apartment and smiled gently, feeling my neck. I knew my manager would not be happy but I don't care that much. For the rest of the day I just did chores around the house until dinner time. I got a pot out when my watch started buzzing. I looked at it and saw Liv calling me. I reached across the counter and grabbed my phone.

"Hey baby." I said opening the fridge. I heard giggles on the other side of the phone and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey love, I was wondering if you want to come over and cook for Iris and I because her cooking boyfriend left." More giggles.

"I mean sure, what kind of foods do you guys have?" There was a rustling and I pulled some stuff out of my fridge.

"We have stuff for pizza." Iris said I looked in my fridge and groaned.

"I'll be there in 15." They giggled more and I shook my head. I closed the fridge and grabbed my wallet and keys. I got in my car and drove to the address Liv sent me. When I got there Liv came out and smiled seeing my car.

"Nice car." She said putting her hand on the hood. I smiled and walked over to her.

"Don't scratch it." I went to kiss her but thought better of it. We walked inside her house and once the door was closed she kissed me hard.

"Ew." Iris said walking past. Liv flipped her off and I smiled. "Can we just make dinner now? Also I need help setting up the outside stuff. And I invited Madison and Conan." I looked at Liv and she shrugged.

"Well ok then." I said, Liv grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen. I smiled and Liv pulled a stand mixer from a cabinet.

"I'm going to help Iris, everything is labeled." I nodded and she kissed me before walking outside with Iris.


Iris and I got out a few tables and chairs and started setting up.

"Ok but she's hot. That should excuse the fact that you guys won't see each other for a month. And you guys still have a month to do all the stuff." I smacked Iris on the arm as she pushed a chair in.

"Shut up, I don't want to rush anything with her. And besides I've never done anything with a girl before." I whispered, Iris laughed and I shook my head.

"Liv I know, and surprisingly that was not what I was talking about." She laughed and I walked back inside to get plates. Y/n was looking into the mixer and had flour all over her shirt.

"Hey baby." She said turning off the mixer. I smiled and walked over to her.

"What happened to you?" She smiled and wiped flour on my face. "What the hell y/n?" She laughed and I grabbed some flour from off the counter and wiped it on her face.

"Come back here you shit." She yelled chasing me around the island. I laughed and she ran the other direction and caught me. I laughed as she grabbed my waist.

"Ok I give up." I said, breathing heavily. She smiled and kissed me. My hand went to her neck and over the hickey on her neck.

"You are so lucky you are cute." She kissed me again. I laughed and pulled away from her. "Can I get a new shirt?" I nodded and led her to my room. I opened the dryer and pulled out a black t-shirt.

"It's kinda big on me." I said pulling out a shirt for me. We went to my room and y/n pulled off her shirt. I looked over at her, her body was toned and lean. I didn't mean to stare, but it's hard to not stare at her.

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