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I dont get to see you everyday :(

But it's less stressful this way bc I have like noting written

Ok bye


I grabbed a cart and Liv pushed it and I walked next to her. We first went to get veggies, I picked out a few and put them in a bag before we went to get all the other things I needed. Liv added a bag of sour patch kids and I looked up at her.

"I wrote a song about you." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and I shook my head. We got the rest of the food and got to the check out. When we got to the checkout there was a magazine with the title reading. "Y/n yln and Olivia Rodrigo outed on instagram." I grabbed a copy and put it on the belt. Liv looked at me.

"What can I say, I'm a sucker for celeb gossip." I paid for the groceries and we loaded everything into our bags. I pushed the cart with one hand, my other holding Liv's. We got all the bags in the car. "Do you want these right now?" I asked, grabbing the bag, she nodded and took it from me. I shook my head and closed the trunk.

"Hey, the song drops in 2 hours." I smiled and opened her door. She got in and I closed her door. As I went to go to my side a camera flashed from somewhere. I looked behind me and didn't see anyone. It was almost sunset so I didn't know why anyone would use a flash. I shrugged and got in the car.

"That was weird." I said starting the engine. I backed out of the car park and drove home. When we got home we brought all the food inside and put it away.

"Here love." Liv said, holding out a sour patch kid. I opened my mouth and she dropped it inside. I smiled and went back to the fridge and pulled out some stuff to make food. "What are you making?" I looked up from the veggies I was chopping.

"Fried rice." I said going back to cutting and Liv stood next to me. "Did you need something?" I asked, looking over at her. She smiled and kissed me.

"Just that." She said, I smiled and kept cutting, when I had finished I turned on the stove and put oil inside. "Hey, what would you do if Josh was on live and talked about us and how mean you were to him on set?" I looked up and Liv smiled. "And how he doesn't think our relationship is real." I set down the oil and waited for it to heat up and grabbed the pork I had cubed earlier.

"I would say he needs to get a life and not talk about us for once." Liv laughed and sat on the counter by me. "And that he needs a memory refresher on what happened on set." Liv nodded and I walked over to her and kissed her gently.

"You read my mind." I smiled and added the onions and pork to the pan. "That smells amazing. She said, swinging her legs. I nodded and added more veggies and sauces. Finally I added the rice and 3 eggs to the pan.

"So, when is the rest of the album dropping?" I asked, stirring the pot. Liv sighed and shrugged.

"Sometime in September, I think I'm going to release one or two more singles before the album." I nodded and added more soy sauce before pulling it off the heat. "But Dan really wants to just drop the whole thing right now." I nodded and pulled two bowls from the cabinet and put the fried rice in them.

"Well, whenever you release them it will be amazing." I handed her a bowl and she smiled. "Spoons are right below you." I said, patting her leg. She moved to the side and I grabbed spoons for us. I handed one to Liv and put one in my bowl.

"Hey love, do you think this will ever die down? Like will people stop caring about who I love?" I jumped onto the island and shrugged.

"I don't know baby, I mean some people literally live for the drama of our lives so maybe?" She sighed and took a bite of her food.

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