Chapter eight

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Matthew's pov

For sure I know that Holden was best wasting his time taking my sloppy seconds so I did the only thing that I could think of to started making rumors up about him and her degrading them  including claiming that she was useless without me by her side because I was certainly using her to help me improve my images, getting the highest in my classes while I had been off partying additionally, I cheated on her behind her back with some other girl too.

She was a know-it -all and one no else like a know it all correcting every single things or one now that she started to did good for herself, i decided that i was going to get back together with her because what she was going to go far in the future not that i partially care if she look much more healthier without me in her life, she was a complete bore even when she was willing to ruined one of the professor life  and career who used to teach her over a couple of imperfect as well as discriminatory words for misjudging her for no reason.

"Mate, that  one of your ex-girlfriend voices which I heard on this radio podcast shows." asked a confused Graig.

I heard her voice throughout the campus live radio shows on my friend Graig's headphones talking about the top ten list of boys girls shouldn't date or avoid in the risk of getting played by as she continues to names dropping the list of them started within a descended order to Ascended making her way up to number one when she finally got to my name, she explained why I was such a horrible ex-boyfriend telling everyone that I didn't have any heart or even a tiny brains cells that were left in me functioning at all. Calling me an unsupported, arrogant and total letdown guy.

Every single girl who giggled or walked past me was looking at me in anger and in disgust by making faint chatter saying look at the fool. As she got her revenge on me which damaged my reputation with all of the girls too.

"I can't believe that I wanted to get back with her." I muttered to myself being tired of her trash talking about me.

At First I was glad that I was In second place on her revenge hits list even though she messed with my reputation and made up embarrassing things about me to ruin my game with the girls on campus thinking that it was funny as my friends began mocking me because of what she said to me even if I thought our break up was equal for the both of us.

Therefore, she was making sure that I lost the breakup for sure that she sounded like she was in the right for everything. Then next, right after she played the song called Truth Hurts by Lizzo to rub the salt in my wounds.

Natalia's pov

"Stay tuned for some advice about how to win the breakup or message me in my DMS for more of this." I divulged keenly through the microphone to my listeners.

For a slight second, I felt that I had all the power and glory while currently riding on cloud nine/ not caring that I was saying a lot of truthful stuff especially when some of the sports athletes had been a major jerks however, I feel like was recently fighting a battle with myself as I sat down quietly and wonder what was I made for?

In a society where women hate on women and men hate on women the only thing that people seem to agree on in this world but I would tell you one thing was that women had been put through a lot over years of centuries ago. I think that sisterhood was stronger than a man struggling to see their worth when they only victimized themselves because of their selfish pride and egotistical ways. Additionally, men don't want to hear about our problems unless they were truly genuine men who took the time to listen to our problems.

Shortly after I began to open my Instagram account I saw fifty-one messages pop-ups on it. In all honesty, I was so shocked that people who might have similar like me were writing back to me and then I beamed with excitement when I read through them.
Afterwards, I put my phone in my back pocket of my jeans pocket heading towards the exit door hearing many pupils being inspire by me but none of them knows my real identity of the person who was hiding behind a pen name except for my friends that probably knew it was me and they were keeping it a secret.

Continuously I walked into the hallway having the same old nostalgic feeling of deja vu and I really do remember that specific time when we were at Avena's house where we were talking about how lost we all still feel and then suddenly her mom strolled into the living room with a knowledge look on her face.


"You girls look like you have been the worst and back. Why?" asked Avena's mom, Mrs Campbell with a sad smile.

I was having trouble with my ex-boyfriend Matthew at the time and Rochelle said some boys had stolen her musical notebooks from her to her mother as we all hear her exhale once coming up with a solution to our problem.

"I feel like whatever I say or do Matthew doesn't listen to me!"I explained my frustration thoroughly to Avena mom.

There were many things where I just couldn't stand him because he was being so aggressive or mean towards me when he had laughed at all my problems saying it wasn't that deep like it was some stupid joke. I don't even know why I thought he would be a genuinely nice guy and then I just didn't want to see my enemies face in the same day because come on he was just too self-conceited jackass.

Another problem that I had that day was my biology professor who was an absolutely sexist yet racist person that ruined my love for science too.

"Why don't you close your eyes and hold each other's hands to take a break? To feel the world around you first," suggested Avena's mom.

Those were ten magic minutes of serene moments of flashbacks to realize who I was and my purpose of being made as we all open our eyes to the reality around us because in a point of time it made me love being a woman. I was fearless, I was brave, I was beautiful and completely insatiable and powerful.

"Wow"exclaimed Charlie.

"Being a woman is more than what meets the eye and by the way, I always thought that you would end up with Holden." said wisely Avena's mom.

End of flashback

Avenna walks up to me as she tells me that she loves my radio talk show. I smiled and said, "Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you inviting me to your mum because I didn't want her to know when everything has gotten so bad."

In other words, I think I might stay single after the resurfaced core memory came back with my friends warning me about my ex-boyfriend Mathew but I wish I had listened to them. I had so many regrets in my life but dating him was one of the greatest mistakes of all time maybe perhaps I would be able to get over it.

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now