Chapter nine

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Natalia's pov

Nothing ever stays the same as I consider myself to be a leader to start making a difference in other people's lives rather than just hiding in the shadow as a ghost or being a statue wasn't the ideal for either.

The next day of classes to attend to was when i saw him talked to a girl which i don't really care if he was working his charms or whatever on this other girl because i needed to get this feeling off of my chest. What happened that day to me wasn't going to affect me also i did need to check all of the details to see if it was him who tried to warn me or scared me and was a part of his cruel, terrible and silly  prank to get revenge on me for basically making an public announcement on my live radio podcast. In addition to this, i called him an annoying, arrogant and said that he has no game for winning over girls heart too.

However, he didn't seemed like the type of guy that would ever take my words about him to his heart or hold a grudges against me when i saw him smirked directly at me whilst i watched him whispering something into the girl ears that made her giggled probably some lame jokes of his and then she moves aways from him which leave the two of us in alone in a hallway as i was about to walked away from him.

"Well, did you miss me so much that you had decided to grace me with your present?"he asked with an arrogant smirk and he crossed his arms leaning on a locker.

Strangely, it was not at all what or how i was expecting them to reacted to me being near them right now. I needed to get ready for my classes as well as finding who was the person who wrote the threatening note on my locker warning me to be quite or otherwise they might do something dangerous to me although, i wasn't going to let that jobless guy get away with it or stop me from speaking my mind again because nothing was going to affect me for telling my truth on my radio podcast.

My single lifestyles was already hanging by a thread in the meantime, i was handing my own business when i shoved the note into his chest waiting for this note to gauge a reaction or some sort of emotions that he might be capable of showing and somehow he did not react the same way that i had expecting him even if he was still a suspect on my list of who wrote the note.

"So, cut the crap it was you." I accused  him loudly as I drove a finger into his chest. "Why are you acting like you weren't the person who was behind the note?" I glanced at him expectantly as I knew that he would be a great actor at this moment. I thought to myself how he was always great at hiding his real emotions.

I watched him place a hand on his heart before he started chuckling as if he was trying to make me feel more angrier at him than usual for doing that. "I'm so hurt that you think I would do a weak attempt at revenge by telling a person what my next plan is." he ran his hand through his hair and said "my sweet ice queen, Natalia, as it looks like you had made more than one enemy so far. But there should only be one enemy in your life which is me." he sounded almost empathically to me.

Moreover, i saw him shrugged his shoulder as his calm expression soon suddenly turned into rage when he was going through all of those words in his mind and his brown eyes changed to a slightly darker brown to a black colored angrily during noticing how much he keep changing his emotions instantly i knew it wasn't him at all but i still had to keep my friend close and my enemies closer to chest right? To avoid being caught off guard too.

Evidently, in this exact time i was prepared to asked him more than seven questions to searched about if he know who could had  possibly written that awful note to warned me or silenced me from my radio show since he happened to be bewildered than i had ever seen him before i could do so. He began to talk to prove it wasn't him as he continued to explain his evidence of where he was to claim that he was one hundred percent innocent.

"Let me guess you had already started blaming me for this cruel scared note didn't you?" he questioned me.

He shook his head as he let out a sigh and he handed back the note to me  as he unclenched his knuckles. I silently nodded my head unsure of what to say and I admitted " who else hates me as much as you did."  I waited for him to list the names of people or tell me the reason why he hated me so much but I got nothing from him.

As he did seem a little bit ticked off along with irritated not at me however, the person who had tried to threaten me must have had a death wish knowing how hot-headed this guy was, something not to mess with even though I was never scared of him.

He calmly spoked up again." if you want i could give an alibi to another piece with one of the guys on my hockey team to testify  that i'm innocent to you." he looked me in the eyes and said truthfully. "I was teaching a bunch of children how to play a game on ice for a junior club on wednesday and saturday too."

Therefore, i did seen him as innocent as he could be right about him not putting the warning note on my locker meaning that i did blamed him for that even if i just wanted to find out who wrote the rude note to me as much as i he did bug me ten out ten of the time but in three out of ten he was an okay mushroom. "How come you're not mad or angry at me for some of the things that I had said about you ?" I asked him.

Another one of his chuckled escape from his mouth it made my skins boiled as he bitten his lips from trying to hide his smug smiled from me to made it seem like he was frustrated that i would be the type of person who would usually accused him for doing anything that was irrational and i observed him displaying his rare also annoying yet attractive smile. Come Natalia, think with your brain to continue to see through his falsehood lies.

"It's because i know none of those things that you had about me wasn't true by the way and i tell the girls i can't offer them a relationship but they always seem to coming running back to me." he paused for a seconds and confidently said, "they just want me for my looks and confident. Jealousy much?"

According to him that he did try to tell the girls who flaunt themselves all over him that he wasn't interesting in a serious relationship  right now, but none of them had ever chosen to listen to him until now i kind of warned them of him and he had finally get to explained his side of the story to me yet unfortunately for him it didn't made me hate him any less than i already did because i keep on the girls in the washroom version which sounded terrible who some of them that he had lead them on so many times including giving them mixed signs or signals like a traffic light. And i guess that i still hate whenever he would call me names like salty queen, frozen queen or other nicknames which i had to admit that he was definitely getting under my skin many times for various reasons.

"Too busy pucking around are you?" I assumed it out loud to him.

Quite frankly, i don't even remember the reason why I had started hating him even though I can sure anybody that it was reasonably good for whatever the reasons were very valid until i remember him making rude comments about how boring my degree was or how he would show up randomly in any of my classes just to embarrassing me by choosing to clown around in Jessa and i art class  because he wanted to get some sort of arise out of me.

He had completely shook off my comment and irked me by how untouchable he thought he was. "No, I have actually got a lot of stuff on my plate to do but are you jealous?"

Every single day, he walked around on campus good luck of attitude and trust me i know o don't make much sense but nothing make sense whenever he was around me anyway. I don't ever think that he had worked a single day in his life just to get what he wanted even i wasn't falling for his charms like all the other girls were or his  dark and mysterious looks in regardless, to this i had worked all of my life to see the result and i wanted to see how he was capable of not having anything that he wanted restricted from him.

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now