Chapter 105: June Jackson

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I grasped the mug of hot chocolate like my life depended on it. I looked down into the dark liquid and allowed the bittersweet scent to ease my nerves. Fidestro had decided to grab some coffee when I couldn't seem to form the words to answer his question. The first thing I could utter was the request for hot chocolate as I couldn't stand coffee. Ulysses went back to tinkering away at the sewing machine and Fidestro sat on his stool gracefully sipping his coffee.

"Alright, June. Are you ready to tell me what happened?" Fidestro asked gently.

I gave a heavy sigh and nodded. "I... I messed up. I just keep messing up. Being an angel is dangerous news, and I'm trying to conceal it. But I keep exposing it. At this rate I should just hand myself over to the demons and just be done with it."

Fidestro glanced at Ulysses, and I sighed again.

"He already knows." I lamented.

Ulysses nodded but didn't say a word.

Fidestro took another long sip. "You know, I haven't seen you since you first discovered this angelic side of you. I might need you to catch me up." Had it already been that long? No, it was only a couple weeks, but everything here was moving so fast.

"Well, I guess I should start with saying I'm married now." I said flashing my left hand and the ring on it.

Fidestro coughed as he tried to stop himself from spewing coffee all over the place. "What?"

"It's true." Ulysses piped in while still elbow deep in the sewing machine. "To the Dryad King."

Fidestro glanced between Ulysses and I, but eventually started nodding his head. "Okay. A little insulted I wasn't invited."

I chuckled. "It was a rushed affair. And before you ask, no I'm not the queen. At least not yet."

"Still impressive." Fidestro said before sipping his coffee again.

"I've also been marked by a werewolf." I said with a sigh.

Fidestro once again coughed and grabbed a napkin to cover his mouth. After clearing his airways of surprise coffee he put the mug down on his work bench. "I'm just going to keep that there for now."

"Didn't know about that one." Ulysses admitted, but was still absorbed in the sewing machine.

Fidestro gave me an awkward smile. "So, who's the lucky wolf?"

"Destin Moon." I said quietly.

"A king and a celebrity?! Girl! You're moving up in the world. If only I had half your luck at landing guys." The flashy vampire smiled.

I groaned. "You can have it! I mean, there's this other guy I'm sort of into, and Hendrix just admitted to liking me in the romantic way yesterday."

Ulysses finally swerved to look at me and nearly stood out of his seat. "Hendrix?! But you're... a human." He sputtered.

I spun around to face him with large hand gestures, nearly forgetting the hot chocolate in my hand. "I know, right?!"

Fidestro shrugged. "Not surprised by that one actually."

"Really?" I asked skeptically.

"Just a sense. But it sounds like you're living it up with all those men chasing after you. Why do you think you messed up?" Fidestro asked.

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