Chapter 138: June Jackson

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My impromptu performance for the dryads went well. At least I think it did. Oak was cheering me on like crazy, and some other dryads took on their bipedal forms to watch and cheer. My stereo could only produce so much sound in the open woods, but my voice carried with ease. Dryads would join in from time to time when they caught onto the lyrics, and the harmonies felt natural. By the time I was finishing my last song, I was tingling, but my wings made no attempt to emerge. I struck the last pose and took in some heavy breaths. Some sweat beaded on my brow, but that was it. Thankfully I didn't trip on anything, as Oak was sure to clear the clearing of any forest debris and roots.

I took the rest of my water from my bag and walked over to the oak tree while the dryads continued to clap with wide smiles. These smiles were authentic. I could tell. They weren't forced and placating. They were really enjoying my music and performance and the thought made me beam and laugh joyfully. I placed my hand on the trunk still breathing hard, but quickly pulled away as thousands and thousands of voices were cheering, excitedly chatting, and shouting praises. I fought the dizziness and looked to Oak to tell me when I could replace my hand.

Oak quickly caught my hint and waited. We waited, and waited, and waited. The exuberant dryad shot me a look of apology, but I only shook my head with a tired smile. I was just happy that I didn't disappoint. Finally, Oak gave me the nod.

"That was awe inspiring, Lily! Your voice held so much raw magic. The whole community is still buzzing with it." Cenderion praised the moment my fingers brushed the bark.

"Really? I didn't think a lot of my magic was coming through since my wings didn't... you know." I said collecting my breath and cooling down.

"That would actually be our fault. Your magic was traveling to all the dryads, and only a few dryads there were lending magic back when they sang along. It still impresses me how much power you contain, Lily. I knew that demons and angels were powerful, but to this extent? I'm only happy that their power is limited here in the After Realm. Outside of your power that is. Yours almost appears without limit." He mused.

"Well, I am supposed to contest the Minister of Darkness, aren't I?" I laughed nervously.

"No, Lily. Your power far exceeds his." Cenderion affirmed.

I blinked. How could that be possible? I was human. I was just June. I could sing and purify shades, sure, but defeat the Minister of Darkness? Defeat Geralt? No. That was ridiculous. "Cenderion, Geralt's very touch kills people with how much demonic power he has. I couldn't harm a human, let alone a demonic-powered vampire. You should know that more than anyone." I stressed.

I could feel Cenderion's guilt, as he knew that I was referring to when he took and restrained me multiple times. I tried to send reassurance. I didn't want to make him feel bad. I was just making a point. "You aren't meant to harm After Realm beings, Lily. Demons will be powerless against you."

"But Geralt—"

"The Minister." Cenderion corrected softly.

"The Minister is an After Realm being! Even if I could negate or fight off his demonic powers, he can still snap my neck with the flick of his hand. This power means nothing." I looked down and remembered Hoen's disapproving gaze. "It's wasted on me."

"It is not wasted on you!" Cenderion said firmly. "It exists only because of you. I don't wish to upset you, Lily, but know you are not alone. That Minister of Darkness has to get to you in order to hurt you, and you are surrounded by many who adore you." I looked back and saw all the dryads were still there and nodding their agreement. "You don't need to live in fear. Do what you wish and know that I will always be there."

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