Chapter 133: Lannister and June

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Hello my readers! I'm a little under the weather, so the post is a little later than my normal release time. I hope you enjoy, and don't forget to vote and comment!

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

My Amorita did not want me. It was impossible. It should never happen. We were destined. Promised. We were supposed to be exactly what the other needed in a life partner. Arguments or disagreements were expected, but she flat out rejected my advances. She treated me like some villain. A unicorn being a villain? We upheld righteousness, justice, and sanctity higher than any other After Realm species. We are the opposite of villains, but yet she shunned me. Heart break was an understatement. I was destroyed.

I couldn't sleep nor eat while I tried to run my actions through my mind. I didn't think I was being too forward, but maybe I was. How does one court a human? All we unicorns were taught was how lacking they were. How selfish, conniving, and vindictive they can be. But June wasn't any of those things. She was honest, selfless, and compassionate even when it was undeserved. So how did I mess it up? She treated me like one of those vile vampire princes. Maybe reversing the ceremony was the best option.

I shook my head. No. The dryad king told me that she had strong feelings towards me. She was just denying our bond, but the question was why? Did she feel that it was unnecessary with her other partners? Did she not like the idea of being bound to me? Was she intimidated by the fact that I was a unicorn? There were so many reasons, but my misery was the same.

A salad of dandelion greens suddenly appeared on the empty table I was staring deeply into. These were normally my favorite, but the urge to eat just wasn't there.

"Come on, Lannister. You have to eat something." Tala said. I looked up to see her sitting across from me at the booth I had chosen to lament in.

I sighed. "I'm not hungry. I doubt I'd even be able to keep it down."

Hoen slapped his hands down on the table causing me to jolt and focus my attention on him. "This needs to stop, Lannister. How can you let a human bend you out of shape like this? I warned you that she was no good for you. Angel soul or not, she was raised by those detestable creatures. You can't turn her into a noble unicorn such as yourself." He whispered harshly.

Anger flared through my self-pity and loss. "You don't know what you're talking about, Hoen." I spat. "I met those 'detestable creatures' that raised her, and they were kind, dedicated, and loving. This wasn't her fault or her family's. She's perfect. It's something I did..."

Hoen rolled his eyes. "Fine. But I also told you that she was willing to talk with you. She just misunderstood your intentions. She's surrounded by vampires and werewolves almost constantly. She believes there's an angle to your blatant attention."

"And it's my fault she feels that way. I pushed too hard. I was both too obvious and not obvious enough. Now what am I supposed to tell her? Her trust has already been broken." I said while clutching my hands into fists.

Hoen and Tala looked at each other uncertainly. They wanted me to just be alright. To act like the love of my life didn't just scold me and tell me to leave her alone. Her words still echoed in my thoughts.

"I couldn't help but overhear, but is this June we are talking about?" A voice suddenly asked. We turned to see one of the vampires on this bus sitting at a booth across from us. He was drinking from a glass of blood with a calm calculating grace. After a few moments I recognized this nicely dressed vampire.

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