Chapter 122: Jason Hendrix

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I want to thank my readers and commentors once again! I know I do this fairly often, but your support helps motivate me to keep writing. Especially with my crazy schedule. You are all awesome for sticking with me this far! Enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment.

-Lucinda Croft

Change of POV

I yawned over my desk. I was a bit jet-lagged and I would have preferred sleeping in this morning, but I had work that piled up while I was gone. With this dumb tour Destin was planning, I had little time to get my affairs in order. There was no way I was letting that wolf take June across the continent without me. Those elves would easily outsmart him and spirit June away to the angels right under his nose. Charisma he had an abundance of. Intelligence not so much. In either case, I needed to make sure everything was ready to hand over to Stanley Lindenberg before I left.

The clang of my office door being thrown open shook me from my tired work. Destin stormed in and swiftly shut the door behind him. He was brooding over something, but when wasn't he brooding.

"I don't have time for a spar today, Destin. Not with this tour of yours. If you want to gripe about something, take it up with Mary." I said going back to reading the reports.

"Hendrix, this is important. Is this room secure?" He asked with a calm authority he had never directed at me before.

I put my pen down and nodded at Keith, who swiftly left the room. "It's always secure. What is this about?" I asked.

"June is in more danger than we realized." Destin said strutting forward and finally taking a seat at one of the chairs around the new coffee table.

"Explain." I pressed.

"The Minister of Darkness knows her, and is actively trying to find her." Destin finally said.

I stood up and ran scenarios in my mind. No matter what I thought of, I couldn't understand how he found out about her. We were careful. I was careful. "How do you know this? How long do we have until they're here?" I asked feeling the sudden urgency.

"He doesn't know where she is outside of Vania, and he doesn't know what she is either. So I'm not sure what he will actually send to collect her or when." Destin said lacing his fingers and pressing his claws into the backs of his hands. "As for how I know, June told me."

I blinked and slowly sat back in my seat. None of what Destin said made sense. Why would the Minister of Darkness be after June if he didn't know she was an angel? How did he know she was in Vania? How did June know about this, while I didn't? Why did she tell Destin?

"I have so many questions." I said trying to organize my thoughts.

"I don't know how I could have been clearer." Destin rolled his eyes. "The Minister of Darkness, the head honcho of demons, is pursuing June. He is intent on having her, and has already sent agents under his control after her." Destin said slowly.

"I get that, but you just said that he doesn't know what she is. I'm assuming you mean he doesn't know about her angelic origins?"

He nodded. "That's correct. He thinks she is only human."

"Right. So, why would he be after her?" I asked as slowly as Destin had earlier.

"Because he's in love with her! The bastard's obsessed. June tried breaking things off with him multiple times, but he refuses. We need to keep her away from him, or he might discover her true identity. Then she will really be in danger." Destin said growing antsy.

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