Chapter 150: Destin and June

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Change of POV

My mate was in danger. My mate was being threatened. My mate was being held against her will by some blood-sucking joke of a gangster. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to strangle the bastard until his eyes popped out of his skull. My hunger for his flesh lodged between my teeth made it near impossible to stay out of my beastly form. I had just barely gotten over her brush with those fish-fuckers, and now she was being held out of my reach. Blood and gore. That was what would rain from the sky by morning.

"Alpha, who is June?" Brent asked again. By now Hendrix and them were making preparations for his meeting with that worm who thought himself a snake. Brent and I were heading to the conference room where I had summoned all my betas to gather.

I glanced at Brent uncertainly.

"Alpha, I am your right claw. If you cannot tell me, then how can I support you as I should?" He insisted with narrowed orange eyes.

I sighed. He had a point. Brent had always been loyal and dedicated to the pack, but that made the thought of losing him even more daunting. "You know her." I said.

Brent made a face and searched the air for answers. "The only June I know is Celine's masseuse..." He froze, but I kept walking. "Wait, that June? The human June? That's who everyone is so desperate to save?" He asked chasing me down.

I nodded pursing my lips together and directing my eyes straight ahead.

"I heard about her rescue at Tathens' Bay, but is it really worth risking Miss Lupine's safety over?" Brent asked confused.

I finally stopped and Brent nimbly avoided running into me. "I should tell you before I tell the entire pack. It's only right." I sighed.

Brent gave me his full attention just as any good beta should.

"As you know, Celine Lupine is just a stage name. Her publicized image an altered hologram based on her basic form." He nodded. "But what most do not know, is that she also isn't a werewolf. She is human. A human with a great magic inside her that she shares through her singing. The persona of Celine Lupine was just to veil this truth. To protect her and those who have come to care for her." I said seriously.

Brent stepped back shocked. "Celine Lupine isn't a werewolf? She's a human?! The whole of Vania has been simping for and praising a human?! And you allowed this?" He asked bothered.

I nodded. "I did, because I believe in her. No matter her species, what Celine has done not only on stage but for Wistering Heights as well, is enough to prove her worth. I know that this will be hard to take in, but it's the truth." I stressed.

Brent fell silent, but eventually nodded. "It would explain her identity being a big secret... So you want the pack to go in and rescue this June, because she is the real Celine Lupine." He reasoned.

I groaned. "That and..." I trailed off.

Brent gave me his attention again and waited patiently.

Taking a breath I quickly took off my shirt and showed him my marked shoulder. Brent gasped. "You're marked... You have a mate! We have a luna! That's why you haven't joined us on our nightly prowls like you used to. How long? I mean who—where? When are you going to introduce us?" He asked suddenly excited. His excitement was understandable. A new Luna was a big deal for a pack. It was typically met with a large party of welcome. I had also taken longer than most alphas to find theirs, so this was an announcement that many in my pack were looking forward to.

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