Chapter 106: June Jackson

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This one is a decently long chapter. Hope you all enjoy and are having a nice holiday season so far. Thank you so much for the comments and votes! I love my readers!

-Lucinda Croft

            My ceiling was as interesting as always. Having exhausted my time with the angel's heart I decided to just recharge in my room. The dress was hard to get comfortable in, but I found flopping on my back on my bed the most ideal. I really needed to ask Hendrix for a television or something. Being left with my thoughts made for an agonizing time waster.

There was a knock on my door and my heart leapt into my throat. My time was up, but who came for me first? Hoen? Lannister? Destin? That prince? All of them? I begrudgingly sat up and tried to look as regal as my dress suggested.

"Come in." I said keeping my voice steady.

The door opened and Hendrix stood there with a nervous smile. "Hey. You okay?" He asked.

"I'm not going to run again, if that's what you're asking." I said annoyed.

Hendrix stepped in and closed the door behind him. His confession flickered through my thoughts, and I swallowed down my discomfort.

"About that. Care to explain? It seemed to come out of nowhere, and I got the tongue lashing of a lifetime from my own designer because of it." He said with his arms crossed.

"Good." I scoffed.

"What did I do?" He asked confused.

I glared at him. "Hendrix, do you understand what being here the past two months has been like for me?"

"Yeah. I've been with you for most of it." He said.

"So, what on earth possessed you to tell me that you liked me?" I asked.

"You asked!" Hendrix shouted exasperated. "I didn't want to, but you pushed. You demanded an answer!"

"Because I wanted to hear you say that it was impossible! That you were acting crazy protective because you were going through your time of the month or some duty to an angel crap!" I shouted back.

Hendrix took a breath and stepped forward. "Are you mad at me for telling you? Or are you mad at me for having feelings for you?"

I dropped my head in my hands wanting to scream. "Both! How could you let this happen?!" I knew I was being unreasonable, but I was angry.

Hendrix sat beside me and rested his elbows on his thighs. "I didn't. I fought it. I ignored it. I explained it away. Dozens of times."

I shook my head. "Well, it doesn't matter, because I don't accept it. I don't accept your feelings. You treated me like a slave for a month! You touched me and terrorized me. You made me pleasure you and leashed me like a dog."

"I know."

I whipped my head up and looked him in the eye. "You locked me up, you put this shock collar on my wrist, and you took—" My voice caught, but I powered through. "You took my virginity."

"I know."

I leaned towards him feeling my anger ramp up into fury. "Is that all you're going to say?! I know?! Do you know how many times I cried because of you?! My torment was a source of joy for you, and now you want to—to what? What do you want from me?!" Tears that I refused to shed jumped to my eyes threatening to spill and stinging my throat.

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