Chapter 128: Destin Moon

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Change of POV

I paced back and forth in the clearing while that stupid dryad looked over June. I shouldn't have pushed her. No, he shouldn't have pushed her so far, and then offer her to me like he did. How could I resist my mate when she was so willing and wet? What werewolf could?

The dryad king stroked her cheek, and stared down at her in the weird floating bed of vines. He suddenly smiled. "She's awake." He said.

June shifted and her eyes blinked open. She smiled weakly seeing her husband and yawned. "How long was I out?" she asked. Her voice was a little hoarse from all that moaning and crying out she did. Gods, I was only coming here to fetch my mate for breakfast. I wasn't expecting to walk into a scene as hot as that. She couldn't even talk straight by the time I got to her, but damn did she feel fucking amazing. I grew hard just thinking about it.

"Only a few minutes." Cenderion said. He seemed pretty proud of himself, but who wouldn't be? It was obvious that June was still enjoying the afterglow of having her world rocked, and I couldn't help feeling pride at being a part of it.

June slowly sat up and she blinked her eyes hard trying to probably fight the vertigo. She hadn't had a lot of blood going to her head for the last while, it was going to other more erogenous areas. She then looked behind her and rolled her shoulders. "My wings came out?" She asked.

"They did, but they vanished a minute or so after you lost consciousness." Cenderion explained.

"They were amazing." I added. It was even more glorious then when the feathered wings sprouted from Celine Lupine on stage. In person they appeared transparent, but each outline was a glittering gold that shone like the moon or the sun muted behind clouds. It didn't hurt the eyes, but it was wonderous to stare at it. Along with her large golden light wings these floating sparkles descended from them like soft snow. I had grasped one in my hand and watched as it absorbed into my skin. A feeling of peace and love spread through me once it vanished.

June looked to me. "That's right. You haven't seen them before." An amused smirk came to her tired face. "Still naked?" She asked.

I laughed. "Look who's talking?"

June's eyes widened as she glanced down at her own bare form. She still had my earlier deposit leaking out from inside her. She covered her chest with her arms. "Cenderion." She whined.

Cenderion chuckled and vines descended with a grey loose-fitting dress that slipped over her body with ease. "It isn't like we haven't seen it all, Lily."

"It's one thing when we are engaged in... things, but I'd prefer not worrying about what my body might be looking like when I'm having casual conversation." June argued.

"There is no need to feel self-conscious, June. Your body is perfect." I reassured. I was being honest. Even when we first met she had a nice shape about her. She wasn't bony or lithe, but she had an hourglass form with a decent chest and rounded bottom. Her arms and legs were long and capable. She may have been on the shorter side, at least by werewolf standards, but it added to her adorable face and antics. But now her body was even more pristine. I had overheard that she was being fed ambrosia fruit regularly, which would explain the change. It wasn't anything crazy or exaggerated, but it did slim some curves while plumping up others. I was surprised June hadn't noticed, but it was possible that it didn't matter how nice her body looked. She would still see something lacking in it.

"Still, I would rather the person I'm talking with be staring at my face and not my chest or other bits while I'm talking to them." June said with a pointed look and I just smiled back innocently. What was the harm in admiring a work of art? Her face changed as she looked down in thought. "But I still don't know why my wings came out. I felt it coming. That magical heat was building inside and it just exploded out when I..." She trailed off.

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