Ch.32: Love?

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I'm Not Crazy by: Kevin Walkman


The Next Day

Its cold.

Ironically, it's cold up here in the skies of hell or the underworld. The people down below would often stare at me for long periods of time while I attempted escape.

Sometimes I'd be too big to attempt escape and these bars hold up well, especially since they were a bunch of tiny squares so even if I was normal size I wouldn't be able to just shimmy through them.

My wings would be cramped behind me when I was huge, my newly discovered horns making it hard to tilt my head anywhere.

Luckily I was calm and collective, sitting by the bars and looking down at all the demons and creatures who would look up at me or carry on with their lives. Demons who've attempted coming up to me were killed by these guards zalgo had placed to watch me.

Even if I was trapped up so high, it was beautiful. The sight from up here was enjoyable if it weren't for all these thick squared bars.

I could barely fit my head through the holes, frustrating me sometimes. I sighed as I just watched the people as best as I could through these bar's.

'Slender man..'

I was going to spend another two an a half months in this cage and possibly even longer as I doubt zalgo would let me go back..

I doubt he'd ever let me out..

Suddenly a march and parade float shaped as a throne came out from the castle, Zalgo matching the size as he was sat in the throne.

Banners were held up saying "Celebrating Princess Zalice's Return Home", or "Welcoming Back Our Princess Of Havoc"and etcetera..

Demonic guards gathered people for the parade and seemed to be forced to cheer. I didn't care but zalice's old feelings and resentment did, affecting me slightly as I did my best to keep it buried.

"Lets all Welcome back My Daughter..!" Zalgo announced," Where she is now permanently home again!"

A few demons were killed while the rest cheered louder and as excited as they could.

Zalice's old feelings started riling me up and those lava tendrils came back out and destroyed the parade float, zalgo dodging my attack.

He grew to a ginormous size to reach me, anger in his expression.


"FUCK YOU!" I growled back

He glared at me and grabbed the cage, shaking it furiously while my wings came out. I was able to wrap my wings around me for some protection from the cold metal bars.

He stopped while I landed curled up in my wings, sitting up in pain.

"You speak to me with respect!" He warned

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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