Ch.17: I Yield

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(Let The Games Begin by: AJR)


Training was gonna be fun...


I booked it to the right and ran toward the wall.

"Ow!" Hoodie and toby complained

I looked behind me and saw masky was chasing me. I giggled a little and picked up my pace.

"Trap her!" Masky said

'Nope, bad idea.'

Hoodie and toby ran on my left and right as masky was still behind me. I ran for the tendril wall and jumped. I ran up the wall as best as I could and managed to get to the top.

I looked down at them and they looked at each other and nodded.

"Smart move Y/N!" Splendor cheered

I smiled and then walked along the edges.

"We can still do the same thing." Masky said

Toby was suddenly in front of me and I looked behind me to see masky. I then smirked and saw they had their weapons but were dulled out to make it safe.

"Oh but you forgot one thing." I said

"And whats that?" Masky asked

I stuck out my arm with my hand opened and smirked.

"I have a magic trident." I said

The trident came to my hands and then pulled me off the wall. It moved horizontally as I got myself to sit on it.

"The ground please." I giggled

It got to the ground and I jumped off. My trident went and floated next to splendor. Splendor clapped and cheered as The proxies got off the wall and I walked over to them.

"Those were only escaping techniques." I said," I wanna see what attack techniques I have in store."

"This is what training is for." Hoodie said

"Yeah it is hoodie." Masky said," hoodie goes first."

"Dammit." Hoodie said," I wanna be second."

"Toby will go easy if he's first, you don't." Masky said," now go play."

Hoodie came forth and cracked his knuckles.

"Alright c'mon! Its time for you to show us your bad side mrs goody good smile." Hoodie said

"I don't let it out, plus its just training." I replied

"Thats why you're training." Hoodie said

"Start." Masky said

Hoodie ran at me and I got ready. He went for a punched and I ducked and swiftly moved behind him. He turned around quick and tripped me. He was gonna stomp on me till I rolled to the left.

I got up and he was almost about to hit me till I kicked him in the gut.

"Oh shit." I said as he flew back a bit

He coughed and then got back up. He stood there and was shocked.

"Bro she has a hard kick!" Hoodie said

"The tiny ones are the strong ones." Masky said

"You did not just call me tiny." I said

Hoodie then ran at me again and was about to tackle me till I lunged at him and did a badass move. My hands were on his shoulders as I flipped myself over him, putting my feet on his back and pushed.

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