Ch.25: Suspicions

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(Drama by: AJR)

Slender man POV

"She's my daughter, I should have full custody of her." Zalgo said, finally not using his demon voice

"She's at the age where she makes her own choices." I said," she's not 100 anymore."

"Don't tell me what she is or isn't!" He growled," I missed her growing years cause of you!"

"I did nothing but visit hell, you were the one who decided to-"

"You needed special permission to even visit-"

"I was special permission! But you decided to keep bothering us and then attack us." I warned

He growled at me and didn't seem too happy with me at the moment. He should be thanking me or else Y/N wouldn't be here right now.

"You should thank me, I saved her life." I said and looked at the door to see if she was coming.

"The curse." Zalgo mumbled

I looked at him and he then looked at the door.

"How did you get the curse off her?" He asked a bit more polite

I now had suspicions of him, how could he have known when he hasn't seen her in decades.

"How did you know she had a curse to begin with?" I asked

"She's my daughter! I know when she's hurt or in danger and I looked for her!" He hissed

He seemed like he was lying.

"If you're lying I will-"

'Maybe it won't be so bad leaving for a few months.'

She was coming so I turned to the mansion and saw she had neon by her side.

"We're ready to go." She said

My brothers then appeared and stopped her in her tracks.

"I'm gonna miss you!" Splendor whined

"I don't wanna watch our drama with three dumbasses! They're noobs!" Offender complained," plus I'll miss ya too."

"Who will be my model? No one ever wants to fashion show my designs but you!" Trender complained," and your so fun to be around, don't leave me with idiots!"

I face palmed a little and shook my head. She giggled and I removed my hand from my face to see how she would handle this.

"Its only two months, plus I already made a deal with sally that I would come by on specific days so we can split those days that way you guys won't be with what you call idiots." She teased but nicely negotiated

"Yay!" Splendor cheered

"Fiiiiinnnnneeee!" Offender groaned

"Alright, I guess but I still rather wish you'd stay." Trender complained

"Y/N you need to stop being lovable, I liked it when it was just us." Neon said

"Hey!" My brothers complained

She shook her head and said her goodbyes to them. She then came to me and I thought she already told me her goodbye when she first got here. She smiled at me and motioned for me to be her height.

I crouched down to her level and she hummed.

"Make sure they don't go over their heads just cause I'm gone." She teased

"I can't promise much." I replied

She smiled brightly and then hugged me.

"See ya later slendy." She said softly," and it's just two months, I'll be just fine."

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