Ch.10: Zalice Nightmares

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(Nightmare by: Set It Off- lol 69 views! idk I'm bored)


'What does he mean by that..?'


Slender stood up and looked at smiley.

"What do you mean trigger object?" Slender asked

"Okay so one day I was curious and had this friend who was a demon but undercover as a doctor. I asked him how did he get his powers if he's still trying to master them! And he told me his father used trigger objects to set off his powers to be in use so that he can be a true demon." Smiley explained

Slender seemed to have caught on and he looked at me.

"So we just need to find Y/Ns trigger object to see if it works the same!" Slender said, catching on

"Exactly!" Smiley said

"How does it work?" I asked

"Well...?" Smiley said trailing off

"Oh no, thats a bad idea." Slender said looking at smiley

"What? What is, was he thinking it?" I asked

"Okay so a trigger object has to work according to how much you care for the object slash living being." Smiley said

I then caught on and shook my head.

"Oh hell no!" I complained

"Its the best shot we have in finding out more." Smiley said guilty

I shook my head then yawned.

"No! No! No! No! No! No!" I said as I finished yawning

"Lets pick this back up later." Slender said," you had a very adventurous day of secrets and mystery so get some rest."

I looked at him and nodded.

"Okay." I replied

I got up and felt tired. Me and smiley left as I yawned one more time.

"What else do you wanna use instead of someone you love?" Smiley asked as we walked down the hall

"Something less painful." I replied

He chuckled and I smiled a bit.

"Good night kid." He teased

"Night smiley." I replied

He went to his room and I went to mine. I wanted to take a shower and be clean from todays mishaps. I went to the drawers and took out a F/C tank top and pajama pants. I grabbed a clean bra and underwear and left my room with the clothes in hand.

I went to jeffs room and knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" He asked

"Its Y/N, are you busy?" I asked

He was quiet for a bit while there was some rummaging and running. It was then quiet and I was confused.

"No!" He replied

I 'pft' and chuckled a little. The door then opened and jeff came out shirtless.

"Did you wanna do something?" He asked

"I wanted to talk for a bit and also use your shower." I replied

"Yeah! Sure! Go ahead!" He said excited

I chuckled and he let me pass. I went in and heard him close the door.

"You can do which ever you want first, I'll still be here for either one." Jeff said," wait that came out wrong!"

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