Ch.3: The "Movie"

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(Turning Out by: AJR)

"Hey its starting, shut up!" Sally said

Everyone stayed quiet and watched the recording. The camera was facing the forest and then turned to face me.

"Hey everyone! Its me Y/N, your friend, daughter or relative! Um yeah first off, I'm sorry I didn't spend my last days on earth with you guys but I knew you would've told me to stay home and rest like if it was a flu. But what ever this disease is its not a flu and it's entirely something new." Camera me said

The camera then faced the forest and camera me sighed.

"But to make it up to you guys, I'm leaving behind these videos so you can make fun of me and tease me for whatever stupid little thing I do! Cause yes, I'm still that little girl who is clumsy as fuck!" Camera me chuckled, teasing herself

Sally giggled and ej snickered. I felt embarrassed cause they actually laughed and I shook my head. Camera me started to head into the forest and we continued to watch.

"If your wondering how to get these or know where the hell I am, then I left a note in my house and azi has a really good sense of smell so he should be able to find me if I don't make it out of the forest." Camera me said

"Who knew I actually wouldn't make it out." I said

"Oof." Jeff said

I chuckled and camera me kept going into the forest. A squirrel then came out of the tree and the camera looked at it.

"Awe look a squirrel! Azi if your watching then don't bark okay!" Camera me giggled

"Oh god, I'm cringy." I said making fun of myself

"In a good way!" Sally added

"In a cute way." Ej added after

"In a funny way." Jeff also added

I smiled at them and let them continue to watch it. Camera me just kept walking and she almost tripped a couple of times which I remembered were rocks. Rocks don't like me.

A few hours later

Its been a few hours of watching the videos and nothing important has really come up. Until now of how the attack happened.

"Oh wait! This is where we attacked you!" Jeff said

"Again, sorry." Ej said

"Its okay." I replied

We continued watching and sally an smiles watched closely.

"Hey mom, remember when I climbed that tree and then did a back flip-"

A twig snapped and the camera quickly moved to see what was there.

"Hello?" Camera me asked

Nothing answered in response and camera me just turned back around and ignored it.

"Like hell imma be the dumb girl in horror movies! I wanna serve my three an a half months not cut it to be sooner!" Camera me complained

"Ha! You are smart!" Jeff complimented

"Thank you." I replied

We shut up again as the camera heard another twig snap and look in the direction of it.

"Okay someones fucking with me, WHOSE OUT THERE!" Camera me yelled

Then the camera turned and was met with ej and jeff. (Exactly like the cover of the book but with a forest behind them.) ej reached for the camera to take it away and jeff tried to hide his face but smirked and put up two fingers.

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