chapter three

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Ms. Yeong was on the verge of starting her car's engine when she noticed a petite figure approaching. It dawned on her that it was Elaine, clutching a book in her hand. A smile crept across her face as she realized that Elaine had kept her promise. Lowering her window, Ms. Yeong greeted the student with a grin.

"I see you've brought the book." she remarked.

"Yup," Elaine replied with a smile, handing her the book. "There are some annotations in there. Feel free to read them, but I must warn you, they're a bit embarrassing."

Ms. Yeong chuckled, causing Elaine to almost lose her balance. Elaine found her laughter infectious—a pleasant kind of infectious that weakened her, especially when Ms. Yeong spoke in a sultry voice.

"No, I'm sure they're not," Ms. Yeong quipped, lightly tracing her fingers over the pages as if falling in love with a person. "They're your thoughts; I wouldn't judge."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." Elaine responded with a quiet voice.

"Hmm," Ms. Yeong murmured as she closed the book and placed it on the front seat. She then looked Elaine in the eye and noticed the visible bags under her eyes. Is she getting enough sleep? Ms. Yeong couldn't help but ask, "Are you sleeping well? You seem tired lately."

Elaine let out a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of her neck. "I-I've been studying a lot, well, I'm always studying. I just want to excel in my education so that I won't struggle in class."

"What time do you usually go to bed?"

"2 am."

"I admire your dedication, but that's not healthy," Ms. Yeong pointed out, causing Elaine to look down at her feet. Ms. Yeong didn't like it when Elaine did this; it made her feel as though she wasn't being heard. "Elaine, I want you to look at me when I'm speaking to you."

"S-Sorry," Elaine stuttered, avoiding eye contact. "I just get nervous around you."

This revelation made Ms. Yeong sit up straight. She wondered what other emotions she evoked in Elaine besides nervousness, what other thoughts Elaine possessed that she wasn't aware of?

"Nervous?" Ms. Yeong raised an eyebrow. "Really? I had no idea I made my students nervous."

"Everyone in your class finds you intimidating," Elaine said, meeting her gaze. "You make me nervous, maybe because your mood seems to change from time to time."

"Thanks for letting me know. I wasn't aware of my apparent mood swings."

"Trust me, they happen."

This elicited a broad laugh from both Elaine and Ms. Yeong. They fell into a comfortable silence, gazing at each other as though they had known each other for a lifetime. Except for the fact that Ms. Yeong was a decade and a half years older than Elaine, which made her feel that acting on her feelings would be inappropriate. As she started the car, Ms. Yeong pondered what to say next. She wanted to offer Elaine a ride home but, for the first time, she felt nervous about asking.

"Are you going home?" Ms. Yeong inquired with a hint of bravery, her heart racing faster than her car.

Elaine nodded, but before Ms. Yeong could ask further, Elaine interjected, "I need to go with Francis; we're going somewhere tonight."


Ms. Yeong knew exactly where Elaine was going tonight. She had overheard their conversation in the hallway about a party. Various thoughts crossed her mind—what if Elaine was in danger? What if someone spiked her drink? She pushed those thoughts aside, trying not to show any worry towards Elaine.

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